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Any beekeepers in the house?

The bees of Badger House are angry.

We’ve been coexisting with them happily for years, but a stupidly aggressive bee went after both of us while we were just standing in the garden last week and eventually it (or another one) stung Uncle B on the arm. Nasty one, too.

Today, I was quietly weeding the paving around the house when two bees, ten minutes apart, got right in my face. So much so that they both got caught in my hair. I know it was two separate bees because I was wearing gardening gloves and so was able to snatch them out of my hair and crush them to death.

I know bees in a fight will emit an alarm pheromone, so maybe the first one was chance and the second one was a reaction to the first one. Then there was a third, which caused me to move to another part of a garden. And a fourth (or maybe the third a second time). At that point, I gave up and went in.

Pity. We aren’t getting a lot of sunny afternoons this year.

We have to have the chimney repointed soon, so the bees will have to go. It cuts across my instincts, but if they’re acting this way, perhaps it’s for the best.

Picture is my girl Spoon the day she decided to fly up the roof. I suspect they had a poke at her, because she came down again sharpish. That chicken was more trouble than the whole rest of the flock put together and I miss her terribly.


Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: July 11, 2024, 7:50 pm

Is there any possibility that the hive has been infiltrated by African bees?

African bees are dangerous and swarming protectors of a hive…

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: July 11, 2024, 10:11 pm

“Sharpish”. How I love that expression.

If I recall my reading from last time they get grumpy if it’s humid and hot, and wonky if there’s something amiss with their queen.


Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: July 16, 2024, 12:08 am

There are German and Russian strains that will out-mean any african bee.
I would think the UK would be too cold for African bees.
A smouldering fire will convince them to go elsewhere.

Comment from Oceania
Time: July 18, 2024, 10:07 am

You should probably look at requeeni
ng with a less aggressive blood line?

Comment from Silence Dogood
Time: July 21, 2024, 4:53 pm

slope of roof is to slopeeee can’t sry

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