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What a weird day

Joe Biden has been on deathwatch all day. Moments ago, an apparently fresh video of him surfaced, so he ain’t already dead after all. He was pretty feeble though.

I believe in Uncle Al’s theory – Joe is so ding-dang mad that they de-nominated him without permission that he can’t be trusted in front of a microphone until he simmers down.

Then Jimmy Carter was dead. Then Jimmy Carter was not dead. I admit, I was taken in by the fake death notice. Ain’t nobody reading all of that (and nobody did).

Real talk, though – he’s 99 and some days he doesn’t wake up all day.

More important than all that, Albert the cockerel isn’t doing well. He spent the day standing in the corner of his cage with his head down. He is not a young chicken, and the last of my Polands, which (when they weren’t disappeared by something in the hedge) had a tendency to wilt and die suddenly.

By this evening, he’d rallied enough to get up on the perch for the night. I’ll keep you posted.

Finally, Gromulin won the Dead Pool with Lou Dobbs. So there’s that. You know what that means.


Comment from Skandia Recluse
Time: July 23, 2024, 8:14 pm

I keep seeing famous celebrities’ names in the news who are suddenly deceased, and many of them are younger than me. Should I be concerned?

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: July 23, 2024, 8:17 pm

@Stoaty, if you check you’ll see that Bob Newhart was Gromulin’s winning pick, not Lou Dobbs.

Now, here’s an important question that we need an answer to in advance. When we get a Joey B. death announcement, do we take the date/time the lying announcement claims to be when he kicked the shit-bucket, or do we take the consensus of the Internet’s Top Conspiracy Theorists and Clickbait Scavengers?

Personally, I think he’s already brain dead and they’re just keeping him on “life” support until TPTB figure they will get max benefit / min damage from telling us, “He DAID!”

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: July 23, 2024, 8:19 pm

@Skandia Recluse — Perhaps, but only if you got that jab. You know, the one that turned out to be ineffective and unsafe, the exact opposite of all those claims and promises.

Comment from So,e Vegetable
Time: July 23, 2024, 9:51 pm

More importantly is Albert ,ah, well, uhm, a “fair game” candidate for the pool?

Comment from Gromulin
Time: July 23, 2024, 10:12 pm

Akshually…it was Bob Newhart. But Dick is Dick, as Kamala would say.

Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: July 24, 2024, 1:02 am

He’d be the second non-human pick. I took 1997 Kentucky Derby winner Silver Charm in DP 166. Ms. Weasel never pronounced on the validity of that pick.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: July 24, 2024, 2:16 am

It means one of us will pick Joe Biden.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: July 24, 2024, 7:58 pm

I propose a separate Pool for Uncle Joe

There are lots of things to weigh.

Closest to actual date of death and announced date. Everyone has to state both and winner is the one closest to both.

In case of a tie, official cause of death is the tiebreaker.

Bonus points given for correctly guessing if Jill Biden makes the announcement speech, of if Kamala does it.

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