Noticia, por favor. Danke.
Also, I have added Stronger Than Death to the Moronosphere links. For one thing, they had the good taste to sidebar Zombie Reagan. For another, I think they asked before and I plumb forgot.
Weasels! What are they like?
Posted: August 25th, 2009 under blogging.
Comments: 3
Comment from Sordy
Time: September 23, 2009, 1:32 am
Ooooh! Weasels are the most wonderful little predators! They crawl down the wabbit holes and kill then devour animals that can be several times their size… Then the make a bed out of their fur and sleep in comfort. The weasel Has style! I have had as many as 13 ferrets at a time – domesticated of course – LOL. I Love the little monsters! Never thought I’d appreciate a pet other then a dog or a cat.
They are fearless, full of energy, and love to have – from my experience – FUN! Their whole universe is just a thing to play with. Pretty close description of a weasel – huh?
My personal favorite is a female named Lilly… A troublesome little girl! Always looking for a fight but, follows me like a – well, she’s my pocket ferret!
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 23, 2009, 8:15 am
You crack me up, Sordy. You’re like a drive-by commenter 🙂
I would LOVE to have a ferret. I use to love going to PetCo at cage-cleaning time and playing with the little brutes. Sadly, Uncle B and I are such unreclaimed slobs, I don’t think we’d ever find our keys again with a domestic weasel in the house.
Oh, and the cat would have a stroke.
Comment from Sordy
Time: October 12, 2009, 5:07 pm
Not really liking to post links I try to avoid them but this is just too awesome to pass up. Raw nature video at its best. If you are squeamish about this stuff don’t view it. about 2 minutes and 22 seconds into it is the scene that really surprised me. I would have never believed that a stoat could run down a rabbit at full speed!
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