Andy Rooney, bitching in the afterlife now
Because I didn’t update the sidebar link, poor luis picked Rooney in the wrong Pool. My bad. For that, I have offered him a pre-pick on the next Pool, if he likes. Seems only fair.
I resolve to do better, updating that link.
Meanwhile — see you next Friday!
Oh, and happy Bonfire Night. There are two really good ones
nearby tonight, but the weather is crappy so we’ll probably skip
them and do our own tomorrow.
Posted: November 5th, 2011 under deadpool.
Comments: 31
Comment from Mija Cat
Time: November 5, 2011, 5:10 pm
Weasel, why not just dump the sidebar link entirely? It seems to do more harm than good….
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: November 5, 2011, 6:09 pm
We do get a lot of late entries via the sidebar link, when the Pool runs long.
I know! I’ll link it to a topic search of “Dead Pool”! That will show them all in chronological order, most recent first.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: November 5, 2011, 6:14 pm
There. Fixed. How will that be?
Comment from steve
Time: November 5, 2011, 6:26 pm
I do not know how that will help luis….
He can pick or pre-pick Andy Rooney from now until doomsday….but Andy can only kick the bucket once…..
Comment from Stephen Falken
Time: November 5, 2011, 6:57 pm
The new sidebar link works great. I was hoping that dead pool would go quickly because I’ve thought of two awesome picks for the next round.
Comment from Mija Cat
Time: November 6, 2011, 2:48 am
The U.S. is doing the time warp (no, not the “Rocky Horror” version) but does Weasel time change?
Comment from Luis
Time: November 6, 2011, 3:39 am
Thanks, S. Weasel, for your generous pre-pick offer.
I choose former heavyweight champion Joe Frazier. And hope he beats the odds.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: November 6, 2011, 11:30 am
You got him, Luis. Sorry for the screwup.
Time changed over here last weekend, Mija. But WBT is pegged to GMT and never changes (which is why it’s out of synch in the Summer).
Comment from Andy
Time: November 6, 2011, 2:01 pm
Is it wrong that when I heard about Joe Frazier yesterday my first thought was that I needed to try to get him in the pool?
*Denounces self*
Comment from steve
Time: November 6, 2011, 2:20 pm
Yes, Andy! It makes you a bad person….
And it would have made you an even worse person, were you to have gotten that pick in ahead of me…..
Comment from beasn
Time: November 6, 2011, 3:58 pm
From oceania’s drool puddle below –
Incredible how you can misplace common sense for something that is not real, and is a myth.
There is scientific evidence, as in archeological, of people and places and events of the Bible. Go google some men of science and their faith.
No wonder China and Russia are more advanced than you are!
Yeah, if we’re talking about infanticide and the general degree of corruption, violence, and authoritarianism. Only a woman hating, boy diddling, smug twat, would say something like that as if it were a positive thing.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: November 6, 2011, 5:34 pm
To clarify, though — if he croaks before Friday, your dick falls through the cracks.
As it were.
Comment from Luis
Time: November 6, 2011, 10:24 pm
Now I’m confused!
Joe Frazier is my pre-pick for the new pool, per your kind offer. Is there an interim pool?
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: November 6, 2011, 11:49 pm
Well, technically after somebody croaks and before the next Pool starts, there isn’t an active Pool.
On the other hand, if Frazier croaks between Pools, I’d probably feel bad denying thee dick twice.
Comment from Anonymous
Time: November 7, 2011, 1:56 pm
Would it not be simpler to simply send the man a token dick….as a consolation prize, or a “participant” award, or something?
Smokin’Joe may not make it to 6PM WBT on 11/11/11
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: November 7, 2011, 2:08 pm
Buuuut – Smokin’ Joe wouldn’t want it that way. He’s a fighter, and every fighter knows that if you don’t show up for the next round, you lose!
And besides, you never want to devalue a prize. IF everybody has a dick, there’s not much demand…but if only half the people have them, suddenly they’re desirable, so to speak.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: November 7, 2011, 2:10 pm
Dick doesn’t grow on trees, ya know.
Comment from exit sandman, formerly enter sandman, waffling sandman…
Time: November 7, 2011, 2:44 pm
My pre-pick, totally unathorized is…Lindsay Lohan with an “unexpected” drug overdose…if we’re so lucky.
But like most fame-mongering pseudo-celebrity tramps, you know the type, she’ll probably live for years.
*Jumped the gun, shrugs…oh,well*
Comment from steve
Time: November 7, 2011, 3:19 pm
@ Some Vegetable:
Your post put me in mind of a joke –
Little boy and little girl having an argument:
Boy: I have a football and you haven’t.
Girl: I have a doll and you haven’t.
Boy: I have a slingshot and you haven’t.
Girl: I have a jumprope and you haven’t.
And so it goes until the little boy has exhausted his list of stuff and finally, in frustration, he pulls down his pants and says. “I have one of these, and you haven’t.”
And the little girl pulls up her dress and says, “So! I have one of these…..and my mommy says that with one of these, I can get all of those I want!”
Comment from gulliblepratt
Time: November 8, 2011, 6:13 am
Oh so its bad joke day
Two Irishmen step out of a house
One says “its Windy”
The other says “No it’s Thursday”.
The first one replys “me too, lets go for a drink”
Comment from MIke C.
Time: November 8, 2011, 8:04 am
One wag, on the occasion of Rooney’s death, said “Don’t you just hate it when you die? I know I do.” Heh. I think Andy would have liked that.
Comment from steve
Time: November 8, 2011, 2:09 pm
@ gulliblepratt
A Baptist minister is on vacation in Ireland. He is on a train trip and at one point a man pops his head into the coach and shouts, “Is there a Catholic priest on the train? A Catholic priest! We are looking for a Catholic priest.”
A bit later the man sticks his head back into the coach and shouts, “Is there an Episcopalian minister on the train? An Episcopalian minister! We are looking for an Episcopalian minister.”
The Baptist minister is intrigued but he keeps his peace.
A few minutes later the man returns. This time shouting, “Is there a Jewish rabbi on the train? A Jewish rabbi! We are looking for a Jewish rabbi.”
This time the Baptist speaks up and reveals himself and offers to assist an any way he can.
The man replies, “Oh, Thanks for the offer, Reverend….but I doubt you would be able to help. We are looking for a cork screw.”
Comment from steve
Time: November 8, 2011, 2:15 pm
Oh – BTW, Luis…Your Death Pool pick has departed, too soon, once again leaving you in the dust….
I don’t know if stoaty wants to give you yet another early bird special….(which pick , if things proceed as usual, will kick the bucket within two days, anyway)…or if she simply wants to spring for the price of a dick to put these events behind us….
Comment from nightfly
Time: November 8, 2011, 3:01 pm
It might be impertinent for me to make a suggestion – I haven’t participated in the Dead Pools – but there seems an obvious way to handle the in-between-rounds. You need the gap to make new picks, but before the next round starts, if another person from the previous round also passes, the chooser of that person could win a smaller, consolation dick. (In other words, prior picks hold until the new round begins.)
Obviously our dear hostess isn’t made out of dicks, so this might not be workable. But it would likely happen only rarely, and it doesn’t require any extra organizing.
Comment from Luis
Time: November 8, 2011, 5:26 pm
Joe Frazier sadly lost his battle last night.
Let’s see what our hostess has to say…her offer of a pre-pick was a “special circumstance”.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: November 8, 2011, 9:18 pm
Aw, you can have a dick if you want, luis. Or you can have another pre-pick. Your choice.
I’m going to need to pick up more dick, though.
Comment from enter sandman
Time: November 9, 2011, 1:29 am
You’re going to need to pick up more dick, weasel? Strangely enough, so is Chaz Bono, dancing semi celebrity he- she.
Too bad about Smokin Joe. Class act for a violent trade. Wore polyester dress suits that even disco crowds hated. But still did it with class. He will be missed.
No one jumps out at me from the should be expiring ranks. I am going to wait until the next pool and pick an utter dirtbag for early departure for the here after. Frazier passing saddens me. Jimmy Carter would have cheered me up. What a downer.
Comment from steve
Time: November 9, 2011, 1:43 pm
Congrats. again to Luis. This time for his pre-pick of rapper Heavy-D…
Comment from Luis
Time: November 9, 2011, 4:20 pm
Let’s stick with the dick, S. Weasel. This is getting much too complicated.
(Thanks for all the encouragement, Steve, but I’ve never heard of Heavy-D.)
Comment from gulliblepratt
Time: November 10, 2011, 1:05 am
Oh No
Zsa Zsa has been rushed to hospital
will she last till Friday
Comment from zooomzooom
Time: November 11, 2011, 4:41 pm
ok, so what time is it in Weasel time????????
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