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And your little dog, too!

I made Hillary a 2016 campaign poster, but it’s too big for my blog so I’ma make you click to see it.

I showed Uncle B while I was working on it and he said, “she’ll sue.” And I said, “she ought to sue — that’s just wrong.

To be honest, if Hillary was that badass, I’d probably vote for her. Have you seen pics of her lately? She looks old, old, old. Older than her 66 years. I wouldn’t be surprised if she didn’t drop out after all.

UPDATE: ZOMG, Aceolanche! Bless your little cotton socks, Dave. If ya’ll kindly check back tomorrow, I’m working on a color version. It’s a little different from the black and white. I’ll probably put it on some stuff to sell, but I’ll also offer free versions of both the color and grayscale posters, if you’d like to print some out yourself.

March 10, 2014 — 7:20 pm
Comments: 39


Just messing around. (Sure, I got a bigger version). When was the last time Little Lord Fountleroy came up in conversation?

Good weekend, all!

March 7, 2014 — 9:25 pm
Comments: 14


Two contradictory observations. One, I’m not sure the situation in Ukraine is as dangerous as it looks. And two, when powerful nutjobs and geopolitical forces are on the move, scary unexpected chainreaction bad things can happen.

Oh, and three — Putin’s nipples scare me.

March 3, 2014 — 10:18 pm
Comments: 20

+1 fang damage

Somehow I’ve been a geek and a gameplayer all these years without getting sucked into a Magic: The Gathering type collectible card game. Welp, I’ve done it now — I’ve been playing Blizzard’s Hearthstone, which is currently in free beta (and it had better stay free to play, because I’m enjoying it, but not enough to pay money for it).

If you have no effing idea what I’m talking about, these are strategy card games based around fantasy (and sometimes scifi) type themes. I suppose they’re derivative of the old pencil-and-paper type D&D games (which I also never got sucked into). They’re easy to play and hard to play well. If you hit the link above, you can see a video example of gameplay. Though, if you have no effing idea what I’m talking about, you probably could not possibly care less. And that’s okay.

Anyhoo, the part that I don’t get is the appeal of rare or legendary cards. People pay big bucks for rare cards with unusual attributes (this is possible to do with both physical cards and virtual ones). I mean, I can understand wanting them as works of art, but not for gameplay. What’s the fun of a strategy game, if everyone doesn’t have access to the same deck?

February 24, 2014 — 11:52 pm
Comments: 12

I don’t even…

I was going for “laughing weasel.” Man, I suck at cute…

January 24, 2014 — 12:04 am
Comments: 19

Yep, still phoning it in

I went to lunch with the neighbors today (Uncle B couldn’t come; he had too much work) and those wiley old coots drank me under the table. Why am I always the youngest person in my cohort?

Man, those old wrinklies can put it away!

Anyway, my hostess’ sheep were just back from the Winter pasture, so here’s a painting of a ewe I did a long time ago. I don’t know if they always moved sheep around all year (you’d have to think in the days before truck transport it would be a real chore), but they all do it here.

Good weekend, everyone!

January 11, 2014 — 12:00 am
Comments: 9

*insert metaphor here*

Holy cow — I’ve just discovered that my current Photoshop will import video and snip it into frames for export as animated .gif. That’s…well, if you can’t see how unspeakably exciting that is, I feel sorry for you. I’m having fun, fun, fun.

Well, fun, fun, drudgery, fun. Even a little bitty animation like this runs to 110 frames and takes considerable fussing and fluffing.

This is a clip from an 1897 Edison film called Seminary Girls. In the full version, the headmistress comes in and gives them all hell. Please note, the girl with the longest hair — the one who has her back to us most of the time — is smoking a cigarette. Nice touch.

You can find the whole thing at archive.org (and you can lose whole days of your life to archive.org, fair warning).

October 15, 2013 — 10:18 pm
Comments: 20

You see, it’s like this…

I suppose there’s no point having a friend in Old Blighty (that would be me) if you can’t get insight into current events out of it. Ummmm…so. A lot of American commentators are saying that Brits soured on the Iraq war after it went off badly.

Not so. They hated the Iraq war from the get-go and never wanted any part of it. Why should they? That it went badly was widely seen as inevitable, as the Brits (under both Labour and Tories) have cut their defense budget to the bone. They feel like they threw their boys into a meat grinder for no good reason.

Blair telling them they had to go to war or Saddam would use weapons of destruction right here in Britain was the kind of stupid scary story you tell kids to make them turn out the light and go to bed. That just added insult to death toll.

Oh, and speaking of insult, Barky started piling it on from “hello.” Forget the little things — the stupid bust of Churchill controversy, Her Maj’s iPod stuffed full of the Speeches of Chairman Obama — what really stings is the lack of support in the Falklands. Oh, and Kerry calling France America’s oldest ally tonight, that didn’t help.

So, without even going into Cameron’s failings, Syria was always going to be a hard sell.

I laugh whenever politicians talk about damaging the Special Relationship, though. They think it has something to do with them, and treaty obligations and shit like that. The Special Relationship is that we’re fundamentally the same people. Until almost the 19th C, we were fellow citizens. Well, subjects. We still watch each other’s TV and read each other’s novels in high school and follow each other’s newspapers.

This really happens: strangers hear my accent and come tell me about the vacation they took in Vegas or Disney Land or their kid who’s studying in Massachusetts. Politicians don’t own the relationship, and I get the feeling that pisses them off.

Right, then. Good weekend, all.

August 30, 2013 — 10:57 pm
Comments: 29

I found what I was looking for, and it was full of poo

I don’t like drawing on pure white paper, but I don’t really like the really dark ridged paper intended for pastels and chalk, either. My favorite papers, hippie nonsense aside, are many of the unbleached 100% recycled papers, because they’re usually slightly off white and have these delightfully random speckles in. I’ve been looking for a good source of supply by the sheets.

These people. These people rule. They make recycled paper out of 100% post-consumer waste collected from schools and offices, and then they put stuff in it.

Elephant shit. Rhino shit. Reindeer shit. Herbivores only. They wash it down to the roughage. Also, grass, straw, banana peel, old blue jeans and chewed up twenty-pound banknotes. Sawdust from particular building projects.

Also, flower petals and viable seeds. So you can write your friend a note and say, “bury this note in the garden and lavender will grow out of it.” And a lavender will grow out of it. I’m sorry, hippie bullshit or not, that is so cool.

I exchanged emails with someone there about the archival properties. He reassured me about the manufacturing process. They can’t call it archival because of the inclusions — which will likely change color with age — but the end product is neutral to slightly alkaline and likely to last an acceptably long time for an art paper.

So I bought a bunch of it. As papers go (particularly recycled ones) it isn’t terribly expensive. A sampler at first so I could pick out my favorite. Definitely elliepoo. Dark and warm, with little flecks of….well, you know.

So there it is: Elliepoo. The new official dick paper of the Dead Pool.

I was born to type that sentence.

July 23, 2013 — 11:00 pm
Comments: 25

I’m a pepper, you’re a pepper, she’s a pepper…

I’ve totally forgotten who suggested putting this on a shirt, so you, sir or madam, are off the hook. What the hell, it was a good idea.

Only, holy shit, I haven’t checked in with Zazzle for a while — they’ve done a redesign. Which effed up my customizations and makes my store look stupid. Also — damn, have their prices gone up. I have it set for the lowest allowed royalty and everything is still a freaking fortune.

Anyway, here it is on a shirt, a sticker and a coffee mug. As usual, if I put it on a shirt, you can move it to any other shirt they sell (any style or color. May I suggest a hoodie?). Same deal with the coffee mug.

If you order before the end of the day tomorrow, the code 4THOFJULYDAY will get you 17.76% off. Still too way fucking expensive, IMO. I’m going to have to think about this.

Ah, a point of grammar. I realize it’s probably improper Ebonics to put a hyphen in “creepy-ass” but I didn’t want anyone to think I was a creepy ass-cracker. That just wouldn’t do.

July 3, 2013 — 9:29 pm
Comments: 26