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If you take it, it will leak onto the internet

Yeah, it’s my moms circa 1960. Long time readers will have met my naked mother before. I think this is the third time I’ve posted it. On this blog; I prolly posted it first to USENET a thousand years before that.

In the old days, chilruns, none of this camera phone and iCloud for us. If we wanted nude pics to leak onto the internet, we had to take Polaroids and scan them and leak it all ourselves. *shakes fist*

I haven’t looked at any of the pictures from the latest celebrity nude snapshot hacker challenge. Not really my fetish. But I’m going to go out on a limb here. Unless the pictures were desperately unflattering (and why would anyone keep desperately unflattering nude pictures?), I’m’a guess the celebrities involved really are not all that outraged at the leak.

I mean, we’re talking a population famously on the high side for howling exhibitionist narcissism-bags.

Actors, not my mom. Well, okay, yes. My mom also.

September 2, 2014 — 9:36 pm
Comments: 17

Ermegherd! I wernt wern!

Have you seen this thing?? It’s hooked up to a jetski on the other end and it swooshes around in the water like…oh, just go watch the video Uncle B took.

‘Twas the Rye Maritime Festival on Sunday. It’s usually one of the lesser local festivals, but the band was above average this year. So was the food. And then there was this thing.

For £90 I can have two hours of training on this. But I’d probably crush my skull against something. I figure I could crush my skull against water vapor, no prob. I’m talented like that.

September 1, 2014 — 9:24 pm
Comments: 14