Katie Hopkins cracks me up. I highly recommend you follow her Twitter.
Wait, no I don’t. I’ve decided Twitter is bad mojo, whether you follow people you agree with, people you don’t agree with or a mix. I think there’s something about the pace of it that engages rat-brain in an unhealthy way.
Also, it’s becoming a roving band of SJW hit mobs. I don’t suppose any of them realizes how boring Twitter will be for them if they succeed in driving off all the Nazis. They’ll have no choice but to turn on each other before killing the platform entirely. Won’t that be fun?
Well, the Nunes memo has dropped. I dub it: serious, but unsexy. I don’t think there’s anything there we didn’t suspect, and nobody will suffer for it but some deputy assistant dweeb nobody’s ever heard of (and he’ll get to retire vountarily with his full pension). I’m just glad we can pursue this with Trump as winner; it would look awful if the GOP chased it down as the losing party.
There are hints that more is to come. I hope so.
Well, folks, looking back I realize I had a lot of fun with my new toy this week and made some pretty bad art with it. I’ll work on that. This weekend, I think I’ll push oily dirt around on fabric with a stick (we watched a program on Rembrandt last night; I got to bust out the oil paint).
Have a good weekend, all!
February 2, 2018 — 7:40 pm
Comments: 6