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What fresh hell is this?

Sent to me today under the subject “Disabled your outbound email services temporarily” (with low priority!).

Hello, [my maiden name]

We are contacting you today because we have disabled your outbound email services temporarily. The reason for this is because you’ve got a forum that spammers were subscribing to to get messages sent out. They used a spam trap email address that actually resulted in our mail server getting blacklisted.

We need you to add protection to it so it isn’t being exploited in the future. You will need to contact us and let us know this has been resolved for us to restore your email services.

For protection, we ask that you require an account to subscribe to topic notifications if you haven’t already. We also ask that you add protection to your sign-up page so that spammers cannot automate it. You can do this by using a captcha or something similar to that.

To activate your account, please visit our BlueHost account reactivation center. Use the link below:
[bluehost link]

Thank you,
BlueHost.com Terms of Service Compliance

Thing is, Bluehost hasn’t hosted anything of mine for years, but they are the registrar for one (or maybe more) of my domain names. It’s been ages since I felt like I understood how the innertubes work. Is some spammer somehow using an inactive domain to send spam, or did they just send this to a range of IP addresses, or what? (Yes, yes…I asked Bluehost Compliance these same questions. No reply so far).

I have Wednesdays off, so I slept in. Like, for upwards of twelve hours. I feel like…someone who slept upwards of twelve hours.

July 18, 2018 — 10:16 pm
Comments: 8