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He complimented me on my flaunching

We had a bricklayer on the roof all day, fixing our chimbley. It was a mess. No wonder we had bees!

But our flaunching is apparently in good condition. So there’s that.

A different guy will fix the leak in the kitchen roof, and I can’t tell you what a relief that will be. It has rained relentlessly for days, which means we can’t use the stove top.

I can’t fry anything, y’all! If it ain’t fried, it ain’t cooked!

Changing the subject, I liked one video of a stray dog finding a forever home and now YouTube thinks what I really want to see is videos of horribly injured and abused animals. My home page is a nightmare. I hate the YouTube algorithm.

Speaking of, MST3K is doing their Foreverathon for Halloween again this year. They’re up to Season 5.

October 22, 2024 — 4:53 pm
Comments: 2