Are you still Drudging?
I’m running into a lot of people on the online complaining the Drudge has gone NeverTrump. I still go there for the quick headlines, and I’ve always assumed the negative stories were intended in a know-thine-enemy way, but I dunno. Is there something better?
One alternative I saw promoted was something called Spinquark News. It looks similar to Drudge – I mean, font and everything – and it does appear to be an adequate headline aggregator. But it has me blocked unless I set my VPN to a US server, which is a nuisance. I exchanged some messages with them about it, but as it’s a US-centric site, they weren’t inclined to drop the blocks as it stopped a lot of nuisance traffic.
I use Twitter for breaking news and the BBC for UK headlines, but with the understanding that everything they both say is a lie.
Who are you using for headline news?
p.s. Not really a news site. More like a few inspirational life hacks a day. May I recommend Fucking Homepage?
Posted: February 4th, 2020 under internet, news.
Comments: 8
Comment from Pupster
Time: February 4, 2020, 10:22 pm
I don’t go to Drudge anymore, but I’ve taken a pretty hard break from most news media. I still read instapundit, and he and his cobloggers have been speculating that Matt sold the site and the new owners are driving the nevertrump bus.
Comment from thefritz
Time: February 4, 2020, 10:23 pm
Drudge has definitely moved left of where he started. I still hit him all day long but I started checking out Dan Bongino’s un-apologetically Right
Comment from Pupster
Time: February 4, 2020, 10:29 pm
OT – the poster of this video says:
A coyote and a badger use a culvert as a wildlife crossing to pass under a busy California highway.
Coyotes and badgers are known to hunt together.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: February 5, 2020, 12:14 am
Conservative, pro-Trump, snarky headlines:
— —
Excellent aggregator, also conservative and pro-Trump, less snark:
— —
Automated, algorithm-driven aggregator, generally conservative:
(It’s odd, but Bad Blue doesn’t do secure HTTP)
— —
Not an aggregator but instead the online arm of an actual newspaper, with some very fine reporting and analyses:
== ==
(I added caps to make the names more easily readable, but of course you all know URLs are not case sensitive.)
Comment from peacelovewoodstock
Time: February 5, 2020, 11:38 am (has a familiar look)
Comment from Jon
Time: February 5, 2020, 6:32 pm
Ace of Spades for most news, honestly.
Comment from Jasonius
Time: February 6, 2020, 2:40 am
JJ Sefton’s Morning Report, early morning AOSHQ. He also has a stand-alone website:
oddly also not HTTPS – of course neither is our esteemed Mme Weasel. Funny hadn’t noticed that before.
Comment from kiminvancouver
Time: March 16, 2020, 4:22 am
Try this site
Oh, and Drudge did sell the site for one hell of a gob of money.
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