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Hey, guyz, I’m a meme. I think.

I did a Google images search of “ghost weasel” and it took me to this page of memes. For the record, I don’t really ‘get’ any of them.

Then I had squinted at the base image and I thought, “waaaait a second. Black and white image. Photoshop of a weasel. English channel. Using my caption font. That’s got to be my image!

Only, I can’t find it. I’ve looked at all December posts back to the beginning of the blog in 2007. I’ve looked back through about 50 pages of my blog media gallery, which is 4,494 pics over 225 pages. Tineye couldn’t find it (which is weird, if it really has been used as a meme image).

Assuming the compression is in the original, I suspect it’s an image from the first year of the blog, when it was hosted on WordPress. I was very, very careful to keep file sizes down in the beginning. They didn’t keep any of my images when I stopped paying.

Whatevs. Just a bit of fun.

Oh, why was I searching for Ghost Weasel? Sussex has been ranked as one of the best places in the UK to experience paranormal activity. Not me, though. I live in a 500 year old house and I’m still as psychic as a potato.


Comment from Stephen Falken
Time: October 13, 2021, 9:51 pm

Yes, you are a meme. I found it here:

Comment from Pupster
Time: October 13, 2021, 11:00 pm

Wow,2006..nice find Mr. Falken. Stoaty you were a bit more ‘gressive in your writing style, people thought you were a dude.

Good times.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: October 13, 2021, 11:12 pm

Oh, well done! I don’t know why the images weren’t showing for me.

I’m embarrassed to admit I was originally pretending to be one, Pups. When I started the blog, it was supposed resemble an old newspaper (hence the grainy black and white) and I was playing grizzled old news veteran Stoaty Weasel. I got tired of that gimmick pretty quick.

This was all to fill time while I was waiting to immigrate.

Comment from Stephen Falken
Time: October 13, 2021, 11:40 pm

An image search didn’t work for me either so I searched for “sweasel wordpress” and found https://sweasel.wordpress.com/ Then I looked in the archives for December and found a Christmas Eve post titled “Boo!”

Comment from OldFert
Time: October 14, 2021, 1:24 am

Stephen Falken–Thanks for the find. I started going through the posts and they were quite enjoyable. Didn’t realize Weasie had such a case of the hots for Rumsfeld, though.

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: October 14, 2021, 12:23 pm

It’s those Unknown unknowns OldFert, draws the chicks like bacon draws guys around a campfire.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: October 14, 2021, 1:56 pm

Heh. Big fan of the unknown unknowns, yes.

Fair warning, OldFert somewhere around…2007, I think, my cat goes missing forever and I lose my damned mind for a while. What made it worse was various neighbors claimed to have spotted him for a while after he vanished. The blog was both sad and boring during this period. I learned not to “Dear Diary” so hard after that.

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: October 14, 2021, 4:36 pm

You want to watch out with the spooky stuff Weasy – seems our big supply chain fears are we’re about out of Halloween costumes and tacky bric-a-brac (like 10 foot skeleton monsters and inflatable giant Frankenstein monsters) and that the tykes might not have a merry Chinese produced toy filled Christmas.

Weirdos might draft you for a Halloween decoration or spooky Christmas gift.

Because we have our societal priorities you know.

Comment from BJM
Time: October 15, 2021, 4:25 pm

@Stoaty…I did the same, not to trick anyone but when I went online in the late 80’s it mostly male. Plus I’ve always hung out with mostly guys so have adopted their direct manner of speaking and humour so assumptions were made. I just let the matter lie, even here until recently.

I read that Seattle schools have canceled Halloween because black kids don’t celebrate it. WTF? Have none of these joyless f*cks lived in a predominately black city or neighborhood? One year we had a very tall Darth Vader dad in a boss costume shepherding four stair-step stormtroopers, the littlest was only about 4 yrs. old. We saw black kids dressed in all manner of traditional costumes, pirates, princess, devils ect.

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