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My new favorite thing

Woodturning videos!

Okay, that one is a little clickbaity, as if he’s going to put a gnarly root on a lathe and start turning that bad boy. He doesn’t. He cuts off the worst knobs and sidebranches, submerges the rest in a bucket and drenches it with epoxy. Then he turns it.

I like David’s Woodturning, but he does use a lot of colorful epoxy resin with sparkles, giving his work a bowling ball aesthetic. What I’m saying is a lot of it’s ugly.

Mayuko Wood Turning is all about geometric arrangement of wood blocks. Again, the finished bits are not necessarily to my taste (looks a lot like Tunbridge ware to me), but I love waiting to see what the end result is.

While the lathe is turning, you can’t tell much about what it will look like. It’s only at the end, when they slow down to put the finish on, that you can see the result. It’s often nothing at all like what I expected.

Make sure to go into settings and ramp it up to double speed. There’s usually no talking or music, so there’s no downside to speeding it up and the visuals are even cooler. Hoo boy, does it make a lot of hard work look swift and effortless!

Jack Mack is another favorite. He does a lot of burl + resin, some of which I like a lot.

I like burl.

Then once the algorithm knows you like this stuff, the suggestions start rolling in. Like this guy, who turned a melty elm pot. Or the man who turned a thousand feet of denim and twenty gallons of resin into a huge table (his channel has lots of cool tables).

And don’t get me started on the metal lathe guys.


Comment from Ben
Time: October 9, 2023, 10:17 pm


Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: October 10, 2023, 4:53 am

I like that picture – it’s funny; well, sort of a knot-funny funny.

Comment from technochitlin
Time: October 10, 2023, 11:28 am

Nice links- thanks! I’m fascinated by the process as well, even though what it becomes in the end is sometimes questionable. I guess it’s hard to constantly come up with something new and compelling every time.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: October 10, 2023, 6:30 pm

Ooooo…that’s a good one, Ben. Thanks.

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