Today’s poll results. Reform has already pulled within two points of the Tories, which is remarkable so soon after Farage’s announcement. Extraordinary show of irritation with the ruling party.
Tory candidates have been pushing hard on “a vote for Reform is a vote for Labour” but the math doesn’t work. Even if every Reform voter threw their vote to the Tories they’d still be losing by four. Many voters will think this is an opportunity to spank the Conservatives, who are going to lose anyway.
If Farage hammers the illegal immigration angle, it will pull in some Labour voters. One or two defections to Reform from actually conservative Conservatives and…very interesting indeed.
Probably not going to happen, but a weasel can dream.
Posted: June 5th, 2024 under politics.
Comments: 2
Comment from Durnedyankee a
Time: June 5, 2024, 8:32 pm
Keep you it up 😃
You’ve almost reached the punch line in a joke my British boss used to tell about 6 Italians in a life boat deciding to form a government.
1 was conservative, 1 was liberal, 1 was socialist, 1 was green and the other 2 were anarchists.
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: June 6, 2024, 12:48 pm
But 17% is a powerful chunk of votes. Oh to be a fly on the wall. And which UK newspaper should I be reading? I know you and Uncle Badger dislike all of them.
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