I found these alien pods growing in a small flower bed this weekend. You gardeners might recognize it; I aren’t one. Google lens (which is very good on images horticultural) told me it was cyclamen.
Yep. Uncle B planted some winter-flowering cyclamen in that bed.
Wikipedia tells me the name cyclamen refers to this round structure. It’s not a seed pod, though – it’s a tuber. Leaves and flowers grow from the top of it and roots grow from the bottom of it. Interesting beastie.
I took this snapshot on my old phone, which I use in the garden as a multimedia device. I spent a very angry half hour getting this image off the phone and onto my computer. Bluetooth failed, but wouldn’t tell me why. Email failed, but wouldn’t tell me why. Upload to Google Drive kept dropping wifi partway through and starting again from scratch. I tried two different USB cables and both were non-data cables (did you know there were data USB cables and charge only USB cables? I spent a different angry half hour learning that once).
Has anybody ever gotten that “nearby sharing” thing to work?
I couldn’t use my regular Google Photos because I’ve filled 99% of my allotted space. Every time I want to upload something I have to delete something first. In the end, I got it onto the Google Photos of an account I don’t use very often.
God, technology gets under my skin sometimes.
Posted: June 11th, 2024 under personal.
Comments: 6
Comment from QuasiModo
Time: June 11, 2024, 8:03 pm
They get you when you sleep…they’ll turn you into Pod People…drink lots of black coffee…
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: June 11, 2024, 10:17 pm
One of the things I liked about living in south Texas was the use of winter flowering plants like cyclamen and pansy. Planted in pots and decorating businesses and home porches. Very pretty. I had cyclamen on a second floor balcony, with some scarlet bougainvillea, which is the most gorgeous plant ever.
Comment from Jasonius
Time: June 12, 2024, 12:06 am
Scarlet Bougainvillea, beautiful AND evil. I swear those 2 inch thorns have some sort of acid or noxious emission and could punch through normal work gloves if you caught then right. They hurt way out of proportion to the actual puncture whenever I’d have to trim one back.
Now I live where it snows, no bougainvillea but now I get Canadian thistle which is as bad or worse and no pretty flowers. Dang.
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: June 12, 2024, 12:09 am
Hey, pretty sure if you’re not careful you’re going to lose those plants to fairy godmother gangs looking for material to whip up magic coaches.
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: June 12, 2024, 12:22 am
Some interesting medicinal characteristics though.
Comment from Anonymous
Time: June 12, 2024, 6:14 pm
@Durnedyankee—you are right. Those pods would make darling little coaches, but I don’t think Stoaty does darling.
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