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In honor of Labor Day, a woman labors to make lace. I believe this is what you call bobbin lace, because of all those bobbins of thread she’s keeping track of. You can make white lace with multiple bobbins, but in this case the colors subtly shift as they move out from the center. Amazing work.

She had a variety of interesting samples on offer, but I didn’t buy anything as I’m not really a lace sort of woman.

This was at a ploughing match over the weekend. There are a few more events in the area in September, but this is probably the last we’ll go to this year. Sad.

I am not ready for the cold yet.


Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: September 2, 2024, 7:12 pm

I am not ready for the cold yet.

Any country where your comfort requires that you turn the heat on during summer means that, ready or not, you are in a cold country.

I, being as ancient as new-formed dirt, prefer a cooler climate since outdoor temperatures over 85ºF sap every bit of energy I possess.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: September 2, 2024, 8:05 pm

Used to turn a box fan on in the window when the temps were in the low 50’s.

Not quite sure why I wasn’t tied in a weighted sack and thrown in the Bass river, and the old man is gone so I can’t ask him

Lace looks like an appropriate example for labor day, because Ho Lee Giosh that looks like a LOT of work.

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: September 2, 2024, 8:55 pm


… Ho Lee Giosh that looks like a LOT of work.

True, but even more so it looks like a lot of ART!

Fabric art tends to get short shrift compared to painting and sculpture which also are a lot of work. I’m partial to oriental carpets, especially Persian ones, and especially from Qum. I ask you, is this not art?

Lace, Oriental embroidered silk, arras and tapestry, all rise to the level of fine art. Even bloody macramé, although 95% ugly and 4% meh, has its 1% of beauty.

I’d love to see that lace piece in color, Stoaty, if you would be so kind…

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: September 2, 2024, 9:12 pm

Uncle Als’ request seconded!

There is so much ‘old’ art we see every day and don’t give it a second thought. Stone mason work on the old Texas county courthouses, the rugs you mentioned, but two examples.

Comment from Pupster
Time: September 3, 2024, 11:07 pm

Not a lace sort, but down for the ploughing match.

Yes indeed.

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