This guy’s face screams functional psychotic to me. The long-term nutter has an emaciated, hollowed-out look because eating as a pleasurable activity humans engage in is not for him.
Also, he has a long, long history of minor scrapes with the law, another whackjob characteristic.
But he’s able to run a business and fly around the world (albeit for loony reasons). So reasonably functional.
Not one for conspiracies, but I bet he had a handler. Somebody noticed him, probably in Ukraine, and figured him for an easy mark. One cock-eyed story about saving the world would do it.
He had stolen plates and a gun with the serial number filed off and he was hunkered in the bushes of the golf course even though Trump had no advance plan to golf that day. Big hmmmmm.
Oh, and I know it was justified, but it flips me out that the agents fired into the bushes when they had no idea what was there. I wonder if they were expected to kill him. I wonder if interrogation will get anything out of him.
We will probably never know.
Posted: September 16th, 2024 under personal.
Comments: 7
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: September 16, 2024, 8:52 pm
There will be more. It frightens me because I dare not imagine what might happen if one of these crazies succeeds.
Comment from Matt Harris
Time: September 16, 2024, 9:40 pm
Kind of reminds me of the the Unabomber. Same crazy look in the eyes.
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: September 16, 2024, 9:44 pm
Bongino is right.
daily Fail just pointed out that throughout all this guy’s run ins with the law, larceny, gun charges, a “WMD” (a real machinegun), he’s never spent time behind bars. Always probation or charges dismissed.
Plus he alleges he barely has a dime to his name, yet flies hither and you, helping Ukraine when he’s not fixing houses, and writing books about Iran killing Trump.
Former high up FBI assistant director suspects insider info, either from Trump staff at the club or at Mar a Largo.
Okay, run with that one – how did this tipster get in touch with the nutzo to get him into position? Through the Hire a Trump Assassin App?
The other idea is the nutzo has been following Trump around, that doesn’t give him the time and place for the golf game.
The other ides is he’s just lucky about having his gun, hating Trump, right time, right place, yeah, right.
The FBI Assistant director implies insider info, but NOT in the government of course.
But you know who knows this nutzo and can probably contact him? And they might, maybe, know where Trump will be, that sort of thing. The FBI, after all, they’ve had prior contact him.
I mean, Lisa Page and Peter Strzok will explain to you how you can invest in an “insurance policy” against Donald Trump. They used to sell these policies as a side line while they worked for the FBI investigating Trump.
So we know there could NEVER be a conspiracy from inside the agency itself, don’t we?
Comment from Tom
Time: September 17, 2024, 9:55 am
I’d like to know what the PTB think will happen if one if these nutters succeeds?
Do they really think the multiple tens-of-millions of Trump voters are just gonna shrug their shoulders and say, “Aw shucks, guess that happens sometimes. Well, President Kamala it is then.” Honestly?
At best there’s civil unrest that would make the Floyd riots look like a church bake sale, and at worst it’s a literal civil war. I find it hard to believe they’ve gotten to a point where they feel like the best play is to incite a civil war so they’ll have an excuse for violent repression instead of just lawfaring conservatives into the dirt as they’ve been doing for years now.
This is all besides the fact that no matter who gets ‘elected’ in November I think there’s going to be some tusslin’ going on as one side is going to be livid with the outcome.
Not good, not good at all.
Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: September 17, 2024, 5:15 pm
He reminds me of David Hahn, the kid who built a nuclear reactor in Mom’s back yard.
Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: September 17, 2024, 7:34 pm
Somewhat like the nutter who shot up an outdoor concert in Las Vegas. He had various successful business dealings and plenty of scratch. ISTR he bought a house in the Philippines for his (ex-?) mistress a few weeks earlier. There seem to be a fair number of such cases – functional and capable in some areas, and deranged in others.
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