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Waiting for The Chicken

Illustration is from the other day when I was trying to trick AI (in this case canva.com) into giving me a farting chicken. As a farting chicken, it’s a failure, but I kinda liked the image and wanted to preserve it.

But – whooeee! – look at those mangled toes! Why is AI so bad at digits?

Ten minutes ago, I finally managed to register my little flock. The site has been unreachable all day, but I kept trying. What an awful lot of drama for three roosters and an elderly hen who lays about six eggs a year.

Meanwhile, I have inherited a chicken. Or, rather, Uncle B has. His mum died during lockdown and some of her furniture has been stored away waiting for us to arrange delivery. We finally got it down to two arm chairs and The Chicken.

I have no memory of this object, but I’m told it’s a large and impressive papier mâché chicken that she somehow picked up in her travels. It should be here in an hour or so and then we’ll all find out.


Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: October 2, 2024, 7:13 pm

I am pretty sure that chicken will end up in a place of honor, near your hearth.

As I look around our little bungalow I am stunned by the number of knickknacks and oddities that we have collected during our adventures wandering the planet. To be honest, a giant paper mâché chicken would probably go unnoticed by most visitors.

I wish I could be around to watch when my niece tries to inventory this raven’s cache after our deaths.. It’d be quite amusing.

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