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But wait, there’s more…!

God, this whole healthcare thing makes me feel like I hopped aboard the Crazy Train for Crazy Town. There is no Obama bill, am I right? There’s the bill the House already passed, and there’s the bill the Senate already passed. Any changes to either and it’s a brand new bill that has to go back through the whole process again from scratch, which is right out. So all this crap about incorporating Republican ideas from the dog-and-pony show is just bullshit, am I right?

So why are they reporting the bullshit with a straight face?

No, no…please not to be answering the rhetorical question. I know why. It’s just, every time the fourth estate looks me in the eye and tells me utter flat-out lies, it feels like the first time.


Comment from Joan of Argghh!
Time: March 8, 2010, 11:28 pm

Brilliant. Inspired. The Bam-Wow!

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: March 8, 2010, 11:44 pm

Ohhhhhh. Nice. Wish I’d thought of that 🙂

Comment from rickylizardo
Time: March 9, 2010, 1:23 am

‘Feels Like The First Time’, sounds like a good title for a rock song, don’t you think(sarc)? I like ‘Bam-Wow’, but you can’t forget the ‘Sham’ part of this package…

Thanks for the laughs and giggles, Ms. Weasel.

Comment from rustbucket
Time: March 9, 2010, 1:37 am

My dear mom used to say about my brother and me, ” One of y’all will tell a lie, and the other one will swear to it.”
Isn’t that kinda what President Pissy Britches and his lapdog media do?
Dangit, I’m ’bout plum sick to death with both of ’em.

Comment from dfbaskwill
Time: March 9, 2010, 1:38 am

It’s like every Ronco gadget I’ve ever purchased. Except the Pocket Fisherman, That Rocked!

Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: March 9, 2010, 1:58 am

There’s the bill the House already passed, and there’s the bill the Senate already passed. Any changes to either and it’s a brand new bill that has to go back through the whole process again from scratch, which is right out.

Well, as I understand it, sorta-kinda not exactly. I quote from Wikipedia [entry: United States Congress]

Once a bill is approved by one house, it is sent to the other, which may pass, reject, or amend it. For the bill to become law, both houses must agree to identical versions of the bill. If the second house amends the bill, then the differences between the two versions must be reconciled in a conference committee, an ad hoc committee that includes both senators and representatives. In many cases, conference committees have introduced substantial changes to bills and added unrequested spending, significantly departing from both the House and Senate versions. President Ronald Reagan once quipped, “If an orange and an apple went into conference consultations, it might come out a pear.” If both houses agree to the version reported by the conference committee, the bill passes; otherwise, it fails.

Like it or not, this process goes on all the time in Congress (and a lot of state legislatures), and has been doing so for a very long time. Your underlying point–that the President (not being part of the Legislative Branch) doesn’t have a bill version as such, is entirely valid. However, that doesn’t mean that there can’t be an ultimate version of the bill voted on by both houses that incorporates hitherto undreamed-of elements.

Sausages. Really.

Comment from EZnSF
Time: March 9, 2010, 2:34 am

I’ve always dreamed that one day I’d be rich enough to buy prime-time advertising and run such ads in the middle of ‘Dirty Jobs’ and Paula Dean’s cooking show. A whole new political genre. I’ve got great ideas for billboards along Hwy 101.

Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: March 9, 2010, 2:48 am

I first found this website because I was searching for the lyrics to a song by David Bromberg and found a post about NYS Governor David Patterson.

Somehow, it just seems right to share at this point the lyrics of a song by Steve Goodman, a Bromberg contemporary (until his untimely death), one of whose songs has entered the collective American memory. Not this particular song, of course, but this song seems so apposite in this thread. . .

Fell asleep last night with the TV on. Oh, what a dream I had!
I dreamt I went and answered every single one of those late night mail order ads.
Four to six weeks later, much to my surprise,
The mailman rang my front door bell, and I couldn’t believe my eyes

When he brought the Vegematic, and the Pocket Fisherman too,
Illuminated illustrated history of life,
Boxcar Willie with a Ginzu knife,
He brought a bamboo steamer, and a Garden Weasel too,
And a tie-dyed, dayglow souvenir shirt from Six Flags Over Burbank.

The doorbell rang all morning and all through the afternoon.
I shook with fright as it rang all night by the light of the Master Card moon.
There was Parcel Post in the pantry, UPS in the hall,
C O D’s to the ceiling, and I just couldn’t pay for it all.

I got the egg scrambler, with a Seal-a-Meal carrying case,
A set of presidential commemorative plates
So I could eat my eggs off the President’s face,
A Minute Mender, and a needle that’ll knit or crochet,
And an autographed photograph of Rin Tin Tin at Six Flags Over Burbank.

I remembered I was dreaming, so I gave a mighty cheer.
When I awoke, it was no joke, ’cause all that shit was here.
So if you fall asleep with the TV on, let me tell you what to do:
You better rip your telephone out of the wall unless you want it to happen to you.

You’ll get the Vegematic, and the Pocket Fisherman too,
The illuminated illustrated history of life,
Boxcar Willie with a Ginzu knife,
A bamboo steamer, and a smokeless ashtray too
And an all expenses paid weekend for three at Six Flags Over Burbank.

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Time: March 9, 2010, 3:29 am

[…] The infamous Stoaty Weasel strikes again: […]

Comment from iamfelix
Time: March 9, 2010, 5:12 am

Inspired. Truly inspired.


Comment from Cap’n Schlippy
Time: March 9, 2010, 7:34 am

Uuuuh, but you now live in Brit-tan, home of the government-run-health-wow bwahahaha.

Sorry, had to point out the obvious.

Also, I dig Scuba’s tunez.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: March 9, 2010, 11:30 am

Yeah, but they’ve decided not to have a conference committee on this one, Can’t Hark. I’ve heard various reasons why — some blame Republicans, some Democrats. So in the absence of the committee, the House is going to have to agree to the Senate bill, or start over. And start over means the Senate needs a filibuster-proof majority, so that’s right out.

Thanks for the reminder, Schlippy. I should post again about the NHS. It’s not as bad as its enemies say it is, nor is it as good as its friends say. Let’s just say: you don’t want it.

Comment from BillT
Time: March 9, 2010, 2:12 pm

From what I’ve heard about the NHS, it’s pretty much like what the VA provides — two notches above useless, unless you’re homeless and broke.

Comment from St. Feargal Fitz-Ferret, The Irish Mustelid
Time: March 9, 2010, 2:47 pm

Aargh.Blarney from Killarney!

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: March 9, 2010, 3:56 pm

Faith and Begorrah! It’s an O’Weasel!

Bill, I’d rather have insurance and live in the US than be on the NHS. On the other hand, I’d rather be on the NHS than be in the US without insurance.

Or maybe not, come to think of it. When I paid out of pocket for the little things and carried catastrophic insurance with a high deductible for the big things I hoped would never come, the price tag wasn’t too awful.

Comment from St. Feargal Fitz-Ferret, The Irish Mustelid
Time: March 9, 2010, 4:17 pm

Aye, an’ O’Weasel is royt, then.
Fancy a merrie jigue?

I’d rather live in the US without wee gimlet o’Jamieson than pounce on a vat of stout Guinness in Connemara County.

Comment from scubafreak
Time: March 9, 2010, 6:27 pm

Not to worry Fits-Ferret, In the U.S. you can have stout, Jamesons, Glenmoriegh, or any number of Irish and Scottish adult beverages………

Comment from David Gillies
Time: March 12, 2010, 7:24 am

GP services and paramedics under the NHS are not bad at all. Both my parents had a trip to A&E last week and in both cases the ambulance was there in under ten minutes. I got a very nasty injury on my foot that threatened to become ulcerated, and the district nurses were amazing. I had it re-dressed four times, including Wednesday which held up through a transatlantic flight. When the NHS works, it works surprisingly well. When it doesn’t, it’s abysmal.

Comment from Dawn
Time: March 13, 2010, 2:51 am

I don’t have health insurance on purpose! We share health care expenses, sort of like the Amish. The organization was featured on NPR just today.
We get along just fine and are even paying out of pocket for my daughter’s brain surgery next week. The hospital has no idea how we can pay cash for neurosurgery. Ask me how I like it? I love it!
The Senate bill opts my family out of the required insurance mandate by the way. Suckers.

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