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Almost news


This story keeps coming over my threshold, and it’s not even a story yet (but it’s probably worth following). The Cochno Stone was discovered by Rev James Harvey on his property in West Dunbartonshire, Scotland in 1887. It’s got 90 perfectly preserved cup-and-ring carvings, making it the best example of its kind anywhere.

The ‘anywhere’ is significant because they’ve found these things all over Europe and as far afield as Mexico, Brazil and India. Nobody knows what they mean. They might be star charts, or deeds to property or symbols of immortality. They tend to turn up carved into stones near burials or scenic spots.

I have a feeling if we saw the tool they’re made with, we’d understand the appeal of the shape. The significance might be nothing more than leaving a permanent mark on an ancient stone.

Anyway, after fifty years of the light of day, the Cochno Stone was showing significant vandalism. So in the Sixties, they buried it again. It’s been sitting there between a private garden and a housing estate covered in several feet of earth, troubling the dreams of archaeologists. There has been significant lobbying to dig it up again.

To be fair, we have the technology to do a cracking 3D model and surface study. I hope it happens. The local Council has said it’s willing. It’s just not set to happen…yet.

Here’s a good article from Ancient Origins, if you don’t mind a source with a little oogida-boogida. And here’s one from the Scotsman, if you’re an uptight conservative-pants.

I’ll keep you posted.


Comment from Sigivald
Time: September 28, 2016, 7:27 pm

Well, India and Europe aren’t that far – they’re connected. By both land and language and people, so that’s no surprise.

From what I can tell, none of the non-Old-World “cup and ring” stuff is quite the same style; a link (via Wikipedia) shows an Australian one … that’s a markedly different sort of spiral arrangement.

The few pictures of Mesoamerican designs are also not very similar to the Old World ones.

I think the grouping of all of them together is the sketchy part, myself.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: September 28, 2016, 7:30 pm

I like it! Wouldn’t a reproduction make a great area rug? Sell them in assorted sizes and make a boatload of money—enough to pay for preservation and protection. I need something around 15x25ft 🙂

Comment from Veeshir
Time: September 28, 2016, 9:37 pm

It looks like a map of crop circles.

I suspect the Illuminati were involved.

Comment from AliceH
Time: September 29, 2016, 1:15 am

Those ancient geometric rock-art designs always remind me of the carving and ink doodles on the underside of the lids of every grade school desk I’ve ever sat at.

Comment from tomfrompv
Time: September 29, 2016, 1:45 am

So as I breeze thru the news, I see that FBI Director Comey got emotional and declared: “You can call us wrong, but don’t call us weasels. We are not weasels,”

Thought it would be interesting for the folks here to know the FBI has our back.

Comment from Subotai Bahadur
Time: September 29, 2016, 4:55 am

>>>>“You can call us wrong, but don’t call us weasels. We are not weasels,”<<<<<

No, they are not weasels. that is an insult to all mammals. Maggots, however . . . is an insult to insects, when compared to the FBI.

MRSA on the body politic is about right.

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