Pssst…hey, kid! You like comics?
I still have a lingering interest in comics (eh, I’m a illustrator. If I try hard enough, I can make that sound like something other than arrested development). I haven’t really said anything about the ongoing shitstorm known by the highly original moniker Comics Gate. If you care about comics, you know already. If you don’t care, you don’t care.
Synopsis: SJW’s attempt to take over and destroy yet another industry beloved of dudebros. They managed the takeover pretty well (most strikingly at Marvel comics) and they very nearly managed the ruin, but there was pushback.
One of the most effective pusher-backers is some guy calling himself Zack. Beginning about a year ago, he began making a couple of videos a day talking about comics. They have no scripting and lousy production values and are just him rambling over a shot of his knee with a comic on it. He’s a nobody who works in IT and clearly loves comics and — oh my god, it’s making the right people so crazy — he’s been the most effective in rallying opposition.
Honestly, click the link above and watch a few. He’s become my favorite congenial background noise for a boring job. I think he would be fun whether you read comics or not.
A couple of weeks ago, he fired up an Indiegogo to fund his own graphic novel. He’s been writing comics for years and he’s flogging the money to hire professional talent to do the art. He initially asked for $5,000 – a sum he managed to raise in minutes. As of five minutes ago, it’s up to $67,525, with two weeks left to go. It’s become something of a popular uprising.
Have a look. Back it if it you’re interested (the comic will go on sale in regular comic stores for a regular price after the launch in October). Watch some of his videos (particularly some of the earlier ones) if you want an idea of what’s been going on.
Then come back here, tomorrow, 6WBT for Dead Pool Round 108. (Remember: Weasel Blog Time does not observe British Summer Time).
Posted: April 19th, 2018 under art, personal.
Comments: 13
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: April 19, 2018, 10:01 pm
Diversity & Comics — I looked at his channel a month ago for some reason. Probably another sjw outrage. Yes, the commies have infiltrated everthing. Hell, they even infiltrated Cosmopolitan magazine. Yech! I think it was Ron Radosh who wrote an article that when he was a student at Wisonsin – Madison, they (SDS) had infiltrated every campus group. He was president of the A-V club. LOL
Comment from thefritz
Time: April 19, 2018, 11:57 pm
I get so fuckin’ confused. So I can be first… what is WBT in Eastern daylight time?
Comment from gebrauchshund
Time: April 20, 2018, 12:07 am
I believe WBT is the same as Coordinated Universal Time, same thing as Greenwich Mean Time, which conveniently also ignores British Summer Time. (Will confirm when I see what time this posts)
So WBT=EDT-4hrs
Comment from gebrauchshund
Time: April 20, 2018, 12:13 am
Yup, same as UTC.
But I foobed up the conversion, should be WBT-4hrs=EDT.
So if ya wants to be first thefritz, be here at 2:00pm EDT sharp.
Comment from LesterIII
Time: April 20, 2018, 12:56 am
Who are you picking, Fritz?
Comment from thefritz
Time: April 20, 2018, 1:01 am
Lester…I’m picking your mother’s nose. Since the last ‘party’ in your ‘pleasure palace’ which cost me several fingers and my virginity, I’ll see you in hell. By the way, the salmon dip was marvelous…
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: April 20, 2018, 1:10 am
If anyone is interested, I found an online cache of books on tape — shhhh! I’m done with most of it. I only like history and bios — non nonfiction for me. The books to movies are okay but I read and saw all of those. Anyway, listening to a very long bio of U.S. Grant and I have a whole new respect for him. What a guy!
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: April 20, 2018, 3:19 pm
Comment from LesterIII
Time: April 20, 2018, 12:56 am
Who are you picking, Fritz?
Comment from thefritz
Time: April 20, 2018, 1:01 am
Lester…I’m picking your mother’s nose. Since the last ‘party’ in your ‘pleasure palace’ which cost me several fingers and my virginity, I’ll see you in hell. By the way, the salmon dip was marvelous…
All right you people. Confess, the rest of you are some sort of collection of old European/Asian gods aren’t you.
I read about your types in Tim Powers and Neil Gaiman’s (non nonfiction 😉 ) novels.
I always suspected this place was too entertaining to be just plain humans.
Comment from LesterIII
Time: April 20, 2018, 5:59 pm
Fritz, I am pleased that you enjoyed the salmon dip, but disheartened that you are bitter regarding costs of participation at The Estate. I feel Hell is a matter of perspective, but take your kind words to heart!
DurnedYankee, as a matter of habit, I confess nothing. Tim and Neil are excellent humans, and have truly entertaining notions. Nothing in existence should be plain.
Comment from thefritz
Time: April 20, 2018, 7:00 pm
Yeah…what Lester said.
Comment from unkawill
Time: April 20, 2018, 11:28 pm
Ricfan, I’m interested. Please send me a link william.clark.thomas at that gmale thingy
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: April 21, 2018, 12:13 am
unkawill: Download is a bit slow but I think it improves if you just register with Rapidgator. Also, off hours helps.
Let me know if you discover anything you would recomend. I also have a link to the Orth book on Versace & Cunanan if you want it.
Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: April 21, 2018, 3:08 am
The SFWs migrate in. The old-time Commies infiltrated.
Robert Heinlein wrote about it in his politics book. He spotted Communist cells in organizations so reactionary the other members would have had mass apoplexy had they known.
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