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Mystery solved

One area where we have consistently gained ground in the culture wars is guns, which slightly puzzled me. I was playing my latest VR game earlier and the penny dropped – when you play first person shooters, love of guns is baked in. Guys who grew up with this stuff (and that’s most of them now) will never be afraid of guns.

This game, like most, features guns that exist in the real world and the more you know about them the better your game. I’ll bet there are guys who have learned squillions playing games like this. I’ll bet if I went to the range today, my shooting would have improved.

In VR, too, you aren’t entering keyboard commands, you’re using your hands to eject the magazine or release the safety or pump the shotgun. You’d have to want to try it for real. Have to.

Oh, this is a weird little survival-horror game called Into The Radius, and it’s happy to hand me my ass all day long. But not tonight – tonight I’m having to run a Zoom conference : (


Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: November 10, 2022, 10:08 pm

Geeze, your VR guy has…. uh…. fewer guns than I do.

Dammit I’m going to have to get bigger tables!

And What?, no muskets?

Comment from Tim Carlson
Time: November 11, 2022, 2:08 pm

Combine your Zoom call with your VR shooting game. What could go wrong?

Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: November 11, 2022, 7:41 pm

ISTR reacing that US Army and Marine gunnery instructors had found that recruits who had done a lot of in-game “shooting” were much better shots than had been usual,

Though IIRC the experience was in arcade games (virtual shooting galleries), not immersive games.

Comment from Zoomyn
Time: November 11, 2022, 7:58 pm

there’s so much between-the-lines oh sweaslii that I’m at a loss – Hideous thought that, a million pixel warriors skipping down the merry path with guns, almost an image I can’t unsee… ewwww make it stop : )

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