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Big Bro

Several of these have cropped up along my route this week. Each one is a bank of four cameras. On closer inspection, they looked like ruggedized, heavy-duty versions of my old wildlife camera.

The tag on it says they’re for monitoring traffic but not enforcing traffic laws, so I don’t know what they’re playing at.

I’d better not pick my nose on the way to work for a while…

Changing the subject – oh, dear. The last comment on my PayPal link from Tuesday:

Unfortunately I fell for the scam as I checkd my Paypal account and could see a transaction request from Clemment Tyler on my dashboard. Stupidly I called the number which was supposedly answered by a Paypal customer service rep and spoke to this really nice indian guy who told me he would sort this transaction out for me. During this long drawn out process they managed to change my password on my Paypal account, how I don’t know as I didn’t give them any information about my account. I actually use two forms of access, password and authenticator! As my Barclays bank card was saved on my Paypal account they were able to clear my bank accounts including savings of everything by asking me to log into my banking app so that they could credit my account and confirming my card with the card reader!! My MBNA credit card was also saved and they tried to make two transactions on there but were unsuccessful as the transactions were declined. They even had the nerve to phone MBNA and as them to confirm my online banking user name!! This whole experience has left me feeling sick and like the dumbest idiot on the planet. I really hope it doesn’t happen to anyone else!!

I can’t imagine who would get caught by the scam and THEN look up the number online.

And yes…I’m still arguing with idiots on Twitter.


Comment from durnedyankee
Time: December 1, 2022, 8:50 pm

ya know Weas, arguing with them is like wrestling in the mud with pigs…


And you’ll never convince them of anything because they live to argue.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: December 2, 2022, 1:48 am

Maybe a four-lane road is in your future.

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: December 2, 2022, 2:01 am

This whole experience has left me feeling…like the dumbest idiot on the planet.

That’s an entirely reasonable reaction. It may be slightly overstated, though, because the abysmally stupid aren’t aware of their stupidity the way this fool writer is.

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