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These people are cray-cray

This whackadoo is going to try to stop at all 2,580 railway stations in Britain in six weeks. For charity. His day job, he does in fact work for the railroad. I’m not sure if that makes it better or worse.

He and two friends planned it all out on a big-ass map.

It has been done before in 2017. There were only 2,563 stations then (17 fewer) when a couple managed to do it in 14 weeks, 6 days and 22 minutes.

According to his Twitter, this is day 14.


Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: March 4, 2024, 7:32 pm

Trump wins, 9-0…

Raskin (Marxist-MD) vows to do something about it with legislative trickery… or something.

Comment from Pupster
Time: March 4, 2024, 10:28 pm

I missed the “at” and was wondering how pudgy Teddy Ruxpin was going to stop more than 1 railway station at a time.

I’ve never been on a train pulled by a modern diesel engine, all my train trips have been steam or electric engines. Weird.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: March 5, 2024, 2:41 am


Yeah, these ass hats think “ex post facto” is the information you get at the horse track after the horses are lined up in the starting gate, and “Bill of Attainder” is a cutesy nickname for one of the Prince of Wales’s titles.

I’d wonder if Raskin got his degrees the same way Occasio-Cortez got her’s but she has bigger…teeth, than he does, so he must have good old boy’d his way up.

No one has been charged, or found guilty of, insurrection as a result of the January 6th “riot”.

“Constitution? Eh? What’s that peasant? How dare you question me! I’m a Law(less) professor and Congressional asshat!”

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