I read this book over the holidays, about the 2016 election. Published in 2017, the author has been described as a Bush insider (credited with the expression “compassionate conservative”) so he’s definitely tilted against Hillary but not necessarily a fan of Trump’s.
I dunno. He wrote an authorized biography of the Trump White House in 2019, so probably on balance a fan of Trump. He croaked in 2021.
ANYway, I came away with a higher opinion of Trump. I was astonished at the amount of anti-Trump stuff I had absorbed unconsciously. As much as I hate the media, they still snuck a bunch of ideas past me.
For example, his family is genuinely loving, close-knit and protective of him and each other. From what I can tell, that includes Melania. I had taken the cynical view of his relationships on board.
It would seem, too, that between Giuliani cleaning up crime and Trump cleaning up a crumbling downtown, the two of them rescued NYC from the brink. I did not know that.
It’s no wonder he and Giuliana are close. It’s astonishing the City has such disdain for him, though. Ingrates.
I had forgotten what sleaze buckets the Clintons were, too. And that their own party worried about them and their recklessness. Renting out the Lincoln bedroom? Remember that?
It was an odd experience reading a history book about something so recent. I would have I thought I could remember it all completely, but it took me by surprise. I enjoyed it.
p.s. Holy shit, the first 24 hours have been GLORIOUS. I’ve never seen anything like it. We’re so accustomed to getting big promises and tiny payoffs, watching him sign all those wonderful EOs and chat easily with reporters – MORE OF THIS, PLEASE.
Posted: January 21st, 2025 under personal.
Comments: 8
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: January 21, 2025, 6:24 pm
@Stoaty — Glorious indeed!
In the run-up to yesterday’s inauguration, I’d read a couple of self-described pol pundits saying that President Trump should ration all those Exec. Orders out over his first couple of months to maximized their political effect.
That sounded a bit off to me but I didn’t realize until yesterday that doing them all IMMEDIATELY was utterly brilliant and inspired. There is SO MUCH for his opponents to fight at ALL AT THE SAME TIME that they are overwhelmed. And they’ll STAY overwhelmed for many months to come because Pres. Trump is far from through with his EOs.
I could be happier only if I’d heard that Rancid Nancy had fallen and broken her other hip.
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: January 21, 2025, 8:06 pm
I realized I hadn’t properly judged him when he climbed to his feet, raised his fist in the air and shouted “fight, fight, fight” after that near fatal miss.
That was, actually, the sort of thing that brave historical leaders DO. In those moments, you’re not calculating, “this will look awesome in the papers tomorrow!” so that was his instinct.
So that’s the sort of person he is, inside, and I’m glad I voted for him, though I admit, with reservations in 2016, but wholeheartedly in 2020 and again in ’24.
@Uncle Al – yes, he more or less Cloward-Pivened the bastards, and as a result they’ll respond to this in disjointed, narrow interest groups because he just did Executive Order shock and awe and overwhelmed them.
Comment from Armybrat
Time: January 21, 2025, 9:13 pm
I have a friend that worked for Trump for years. She said he was probably the kindest, most gracious boss she’s ever had. He has long been a proponent of second chances for felons. Most of his restaurant staff, maintenance and groundskeepers are 2nd chance felons. He requires completion of GED to maintain employment and runs classes at his properties on paid working hours to ensure there is no reason not to make it happen. His organization has actively supported advancement with generous education allowances that have paid for culinary/trade schools and business classes to encourage moving up and on. And she once said as gracious as he was, his children were more so.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: January 21, 2025, 9:34 pm
@Armybrat — I’ve been feeling extremely good since yesterday, but you comment just make me feel even better. Thanks very much!
Comment from EA
Time: January 21, 2025, 9:51 pm
We are lucky enough to watch a man of the same caliber as George Washington. I don’t think I am overstating it.
Also, Elon Musk is Benjamin Franklin with better hair.
Comment from dissent555
Time: January 21, 2025, 11:54 pm
My progressive acquaintances are genuinely wetting themselves over the Trump J6 pardon-palooza. I sometimes think to engage with them on their overheated bs, but then I come to my senses. I mean, who really wants to try to have a serious discussion of issues via Facebook posts.
Comment from dissent555
Time: January 21, 2025, 11:56 pm
Fortunately, I am well stocked with scotch after the recent holidays
Comment from Tim Carlson
Time: January 22, 2025, 8:36 am
I am very, very happy with his performance so far. There are some things I am not happy about – pardoning the silk road guy, shilling for his crypto – but those few nit-picks are vastly outnumbered.
I’m still waiting for: defunding NPR and PBS, pulling out of the United Nations and forcing them to move out of the United States, firing everyone at the IRS and burning down their HQ and salting the earth afterwards, and getting fed up with the delays in the Senate over his nominations and just adjourning congress to push everyone through via recess appointments.
Oh, and seeing 10s or 100s of thousands of illegals round up (daily) and pushed through a hole in the wall into Mexico – and the breach in the wall immediately sealed. I hope each and every one of them is flagged and told “Don’t EVER come back”.
Trump 2.0 is what we needed in 2016. But at least now we have a President who knows exactly what he wants to do and how to do it, and a better VP (ugh, Pence) who will make a helluva President in 2028. (don’t let me down, JD).
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