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I think this guy is trying to protect his parking space, but this sign cracks me up every time I walk past it.

A storm is arriving tonight. Storm Eowyn.

Since when do we name storms after fictional characters? Notwithstanding the considered opinion of thebump.com, I think Eowyn only means “horse lover” in Tolkien’s made up language.

Anyway, I’m’a go charge up all my shit and hunker down.


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: January 23, 2025, 8:32 pm

I’ve always thought that since it is the really nasty and unpleasant and violent storms that get names, we should be using list like this:


(Anybody know a dirty noun that starts with E? I’m drawing a blank.)

Well, I hope I survive through to Saturday noon. The forecast is for a virtually guaranteed to be lethal 34°F (1°C) here in Sarasota County on Saturday morning. Armybrat is 45 minutes North of me so we might as well go ahead and write the obituary now.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: January 23, 2025, 8:42 pm

Eowyn translates to Katherine the Great eh?

@Uncle Al – I’m surprised you’re still there, given every storm they’ve predicted in the last year was certain to tear Florida off and beat Georgia over the head with it.

Comment from thefritz
Time: January 23, 2025, 8:45 pm

Hey Al, I’m over on the east coast of FL just south of West Palm. The news weather folks are giving us their obligatory winter warning, “watch for falling iguanas tonight and tomorrow”. Only ‘sposed to drop to 45 here but that’s cold enough to drop ’em…

Comment from QuasiModo
Time: January 23, 2025, 9:11 pm

Bunch of beach runners down there, we got -20C the other night here in K-Bec…1C is T-Shirt weather! 😁

Comment from Armybrat
Time: January 23, 2025, 11:29 pm

Heh. I lived for just shy of 15 years in Boston…not in the suburbs…Boston. This guy’s parking saver is pretty weak shit. They were hard hardcore in Boston. Everything from boxes of dirty diapers to signs just flat out threatening your grandmother’s and first born’s lives. A friend of mine dug his wife out one major storm (as I recall it was about 18” of snow). He placed his saver and was pissed when his second shift working wife bounced his ass out of bed at 1am after she walked 3 miles home because some asshole ignored his space saver and parked his brand new Mercedes sedan (complete with temp tag) in that cleared spot. I had plans to cook and drink with them that day so as I walked up to their stoop he was hollering at me to hurry upstairs so we could “enjoy the show.” His asshole Mercedes driving neighbor came out a few min later to discover every tire slashed and his new Mercedes keyed all to hell. He called the cops, the cops arrived to see us hanging out the windows with mugs of coffee like old women. The neighbor screamed at them. The cops looked up at us and said “did you clear this spot?” Neighbor said no, he just found this spot and had to move a cone out of the way. Cop looked up at us and said “probably shouldn’t have parked in a spot somebody else muscled the snow out of.” Cop refused to take his report (can’t file for insurance without a report), saluted us and drove off. It took asshole 2 days to find a tow truck, during which his new Mercedes suffered even more damage. He NEVER stole my buddy’s spot again.
Jungle law in snow country…S’why I moved where I did NOT have snow in FL this week!

Comment from thefritz
Time: January 24, 2025, 1:04 am

@Al it just came to me…”ejaculater”

(Going to wash my mouth out with soap now….)

Comment from PatAZ
Time: January 24, 2025, 2:11 am

I lived most of the first 23 years of my life living in various parts of Florida, the last 8 in Miami. Never once did I see an iguana fall out of a tree. Don’t even remember seeing one in the wild.

Comment from thefritz
Time: January 24, 2025, 2:39 am

@Pat don’t know how long ago you were down here but now, South Florida is overrun with them. They are everywhere. The State has actually authorized anyone to ‘humanely’ kill as many as they can. I have two living in my gutters. The little f*ckers get my tomatoes just before I pick them. I’m not going to kill them but but I won’t mourn if they succumb to gravity…

Comment from OldFert
Time: January 24, 2025, 2:48 am

I got curious so looked up if iguanas were edible.
Seems they are.

Yummy, I’m sure.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: January 24, 2025, 3:06 am

@Armybrat – I recall in the 78 blizzard they flew big ass Army National Guard front end loaders into Logan to clear the streets. There was no pushing the snow into embankments because it was already over 2 feet deep just from the fall.
There were photos at the time of sporty little cars that had been buried and then scooped up by the front end loaders.

We were out by Fort Devens at school and tried to drive back towards Salem on route 2, only to be turned back by the staties somewhere before we hit 495. The snowfall further from the coast wasn’t quite as bad, and you could tell as the snow banks on the cleared sections of road got higher and higher as we went east.

I’m told the 2013 storm rivaled the 78 storm, but the state was better prepared.
I used to make money shoveling driveways while swearing at snowplows blocking them again, I can’t imagine what that must have like in someplace like the Back Bay.

We got 3 inches of crunchy stuff about a week ago, what a hoot.

Comment from Veeshir
Time: January 24, 2025, 3:43 am

Armybrat, I saw a car with the chair claiming the spot through his windshield.
Bosonians don’t mess around with that.

No man can snow on England.
Eowyn:I am no man!

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: January 24, 2025, 6:46 am

I moved to Rhode Island six months after the blizzard of ’78. Never heard the end of it. The stories!

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: January 24, 2025, 4:48 pm

Any flying trash bin stories in your area as a result of Eowyn yet?

Comment from Armybrat
Time: January 24, 2025, 7:07 pm

@durnedyankee, the winter of 2015 was the worst of our years in Boston. Broke the snow accumulation record that year. I think it ended up over 140” that year. It was hell in the city. There was no place to shovel the snow to. A buddies car was completely buried and wasn’t seen again until April. The last of the largest snow pile finally melted at the end of July. The streets of Southie were all declared one way which ment you couldn’t get anything delivered because one stopped vehicle blocked the streets and the chair reaction shut down everything. Unfortunately every parking lot was commandeered for snow storage so it was hell trying to get groceries or anything. I don’t ever want to go back to that again!

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