Got a Kindle for my birthday. w00t! I’ve been lusting after it since I sat next to one on a plane (there might have been a person attached).
The Kindle was invented for ME. I spent the first 35 years of my life, every spare minute, reading. I suppose that makes me sound all thinky ‘n’ stuff, but the kind of obsessive, indiscriminate reading I do is no more intellectual than, um, promiscuity is romance.
I’m a book slut. I’ll read anything. Fiction. Non-fiction. Instruction manuals. Corn flake boxes. Make me sit still for a second, and I’ll pick up the nearest object and read it.
The Kindle doesn’t disappoint. It feels wonderful in my hand. It downloads books in seconds. It holds a shitload of them. It’s easily readable, adjustable and intuitive.
And there’s gobs of books out there for free.
Which, when you’re a book slut, is Good. E. Nuff.
Posted: May 12th, 2011 under personal.
Comments: 64
Comment from Phineas Fogg
Time: May 12, 2011, 11:22 pm
Woot!! I just got the nook which I like because it allows me to transfer books to it without sending them thru amazon
Comment from Oceania
Time: May 12, 2011, 11:28 pm
Oh Gawd … we have the same birth date …
Comment from Can\’t hark my cry
Time: May 12, 2011, 11:36 pm
Love my SONY ereader!
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 13, 2011, 12:02 am
Don’t sweat it, Oceania. Today’s not my actual birthday. And happy birthday, you nucking futter you.
You don’t have to go through Amazon for Kindle books, Phineas — though they have plenty of free and cheap books. But Gutenberg (among others) does Kindle format, and Kindle will read .pdf and .txt and .html and possibly others.
I had a Sony Cliรฉ that was my pride and joy for years. It’s pretty bad as an eReader, though. Screen’s too small.
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: May 13, 2011, 12:21 am
Oooh, Stoaty, you may be the answer to my prayers! My law partner has a Kindle, and is pretty much clueless about various aspects of it. . .guess who gets to be the guru? She knows how to log into Amazon using the Wireless feature, and that’s about it. How does a Kindle owner get to, e.g. Gutenberg to download books?
Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: May 13, 2011, 12:22 am
Still having an ‘issue’ with mine. I know the Kindlies sneer at those who think the bloody things should have reading lights for use in darkened rooms but they should and Amazon should just admit they were wrong and rectify it post-haste.
Oh… and e-book prices are a joke.
Grumpy? Me?!?
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 13, 2011, 12:31 am
The Kindle comes with a USB cable (non-standard, alas). Plug it into your computer, and it acts like a portable drive. Just download stuff from Gutenberg to your computer, then move it across to the documents folder on the Kindle. There’s even a \music folder where you can put MP3 files (though there isn’t really a player built in — tell it to play music and it just steps through everything in that folder).
She may not be aware it’s a USB cable, though. The USB end plugs into the body of a wall plug, so you can charge it up through house current. I don’t know what that looks like in the American version, but I didn’t spot it in the UK version until Uncle B pointed it out (he got his at Christmas).
Errr…if that didn’t make sense, I can take pictures.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 13, 2011, 12:33 am
My mother was such a promiscuous reader, she really did read cornflake boxes at the breakfast table. She got into the weirdly criminal habit of stealing air fresheners from public restrooms. As reading material.
Her favorite (which, I admit, was hilarious) was a large can of industrial air spray that listed on the back, in teeny, tiny type, all the stinky things it claimed it could overpower. In Latin. Like feces and vomitus.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 13, 2011, 12:37 am
Just came in the mail:
Dear Blog Editor,
My name is Sarah from Article Writing Services. We have a client who would like to pay you for the opportunity to sponsor a blog post that you have recently written. We know that blogs can be expensive to run and our client would like the opportunity to support you in that endeavor.
In return our client is asking for one link that they specify placed into the body of the blog post (no porn or gambling). Feel free to contact me with any concerns or clarifications you may have.
If you would have any questions or would like to start the process, please email me at so we can begin.
Sarah Miller
Outreach Manager – Article Writing Services
That’s an odd one.
Comment from Nina from GCP
Time: May 13, 2011, 12:50 am
Ohhh, that sounds like a great opportunity, Stoaty. Yeah. Great. Sure.
I too am an inveterate reader, no cereal box gets left unread around me, that’s for sure. And I read this blog, right?
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 13, 2011, 12:53 am
Hey, hey…this blog has 23% more iron and 52% more fiber than Kellog’s Crunchy Oat Clusters.
Comment from Oldcat
Time: May 13, 2011, 12:53 am
Make sure to turn off the wireless – or it runs out of juice in a couple days.
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: May 13, 2011, 12:55 am
So, this USB cable has 3 ends: an electrical plug, a USB plug (or whatever one calls it) and the plug that plugs into the Kindle? I can make her collect and show me everything that came with the Kindle–and actually, there’s a good chance that one of the spare cables from my various external harddrives might work if she doesn’t have the USB cable. On the other hand, she must have SOMETHING to charge it with, so. . .
Thank you, that is most helpful. Oh, yeah–happy birthday when it actually happens. This is my natal month, as well. . .
Comment from Oldcat
Time: May 13, 2011, 12:55 am
Badger – they have kindle wrappers that have lights built in. I’ve come to think I need to have a light on me – I’ve found I’ve started to have trouble reading menus in low light these days.
Comment from Oldcat
Time: May 13, 2011, 12:57 am
can’t hark – the USB connector plugs into a wall plug thingy on the end. Kind of like those 3 prong to 2 prong converter things you used to need in the old days.
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: May 13, 2011, 1:35 am
Oldcat–now I’m totally confused. I am familiar with the plug that plugs into the USB port on the computer. And the smaller, differently shaped, plug that plugs into the device (my e-reader and my various external harddrives all have essentially the same orifice for the cable to plug into). Neither of them would plug into any conventional electrical plug–are you saying that there is a separate converter plug?
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: May 13, 2011, 1:36 am
Oh, yeah, and the accessory I really wish they’d market for the e-reader would be a waterproof cover, so it would be totally safe to read in the tub. For now, I use a large ziploc bag. . .but it makes me nervous.
Comment from Christopher Taylor
Time: May 13, 2011, 2:29 am
When my next book is out as an E-book, I’ll let ya know. Should be by the end of the month, God willing.
Comment from Deborah
Time: May 13, 2011, 2:35 am
Happy Birthday Weasel! ๐
I resisted Kindle for a long time, but Husband gave me one for Christmas anyway. I especially like that I can run font size up so I can read in bed without my %&#@*! trifocals. It’s my favorite toy, and I never go anywhere without it. Of course Husband thinks he has solved all his gift-giving problems for years to come—he just puts “Kindle” bucks into my one-click Amazon account. ๐
P.S. I am reading the most exciting book in all of English literature right now (and it was free): Ivanhoe!
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: May 13, 2011, 2:54 am
Christopher Taylor–is this book two, or book three. . .or more? Is your first book available as an e-book? (and any others between that one and this one. . .)
Comment from Mrs. Peel
Time: May 13, 2011, 3:01 am
Can’t hark – these cables (my Nook and Droid both came with a standard USB to micro-USB cable) come with an extra converter box that goes into a wall plug. The converter box has a slot for USB. So if you want to get power from the wall (which usually charges your device faster), you plug the USB end of the cable into the converter box, plug the converter box into the wall plug, and plug the micro-USB end into the device. What sweas and Uncle B are describing sounds like the same thing.
Swease is suggesting that your coworker may not have noticed that the USB unplugs from the converter box and can plug into your computer. When it’s plugged in to the computer, the device acts like any other attached storage (e.g., flash drive); you can drag-and-drop .azw files downloaded from Project Gutenberg into the appropriate directory. (I don’t know what directory that would be b/c I have a Nook, but it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out.) Alternatively, I believe your coworker can email them such that they get delivered straight to her Kindle for a per-file fee.
Comment from Oceania
Time: May 13, 2011, 3:02 am
Yes, just writing a long book myself … inspiration comes from teasing Scube … he provides such excellent insights, that I almost have a chapter from him …
Comment from Pavel
Time: May 13, 2011, 3:24 am
Oh man, I love my Kindle. I am reading more that I ever did in my life. Uncle B is right about the pricing, but I think there is downward pressure. The guys who price at 99 cents can sell a couple million copies; the guys at 9.99 and up get very little attention, usually.
I read the story of Rip Van Winkle the other day (free). Never would have if not for my Kindle. It is a really delightful, very funny story. Who knew?
Can’t hark: they give you a wall plug that accepts the part of the usb cable that you usually plug into a computer; the other end goes into the Kindle. It is just used for charging when it is plugged into the wall.
Comment from SCOTTtheBADGER
Time: May 13, 2011, 3:50 am
Happy Birthday Miz Weasel! Mustileds Rule!
Comment from catnip
Time: May 13, 2011, 3:55 am
My Kindle arrived this past Monday, and I love it. I’m reading “Howard’s End,” also a freebie, very dull at the start, but becoming interesting. There are a couple of Mapp and Lucia books available too, at no charge.
Some readers report that the USB cables for their cell phones are interchangeable with the ones that came with their Kindles, which they claim wear out sooner than they should.
Comment from Ric Locke
Time: May 13, 2011, 4:39 am
The best quality USB cables I’ve seen yet come from AT&T phone stores. They’re pricey, but I stomp and kick mine all the time without making them fail.
Just don’t tell the clerk you want to connect to a Kindle. He or she will tell you they don’t have anything like that, which just means they don’t have anything listed to do that. Look at the cable ends in the packages until you find the one that matches. This may require taking a friend along to distract the salesdroid while you look.
Comment from David Gillies
Time: May 13, 2011, 6:35 am
I’m such a book slut. I’ll re-read terrible fiction if the story’s good. The upside to one’s omnivorous appetites is one consumes a lot of good literature inadvertently while gorging oneself on the junk. I’m better-read than I have any right to be, purely by happenstance.
As for birthday coincidences, that’s one of the funnest bits of combinatorica ever. Take two standard football* teams plus the ref (23 people) and it’s odds on at least two of them share a birthday. You can win money on this.
* football football, Association Football, not American Football AKA ‘Gay Rugby’
Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: May 13, 2011, 9:28 am
One thing the Kindle is certainly doing is exposing a lot of people to ‘classic’ literature they’d never have shelled-out a lot of money for.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 13, 2011, 10:07 am
Have you ever read the Star Trek books? They’re amazingly entertaining. Friend of mine called them “potato chips for the brain.” I brain a lot of potato chips.
One Summer, I tried to work my way down one of those “100 greatest works of literature” lists. I got as far as The Bridge of San Luis Rey and thought
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: May 13, 2011, 12:44 pm
Thanks, folks, I finally got it (slow on the uptake, here!), and it was very helpful.
Something I’ve noticed. . .when I first got my E-Reader and was using it in public people who asked me about it were curious about e-readers in a theoretical way (“Do you like it?” “Do you really use it much?” “Isn’t it [fill in the blank]”). Now, they almost always want to compare models with the one they own. . .
Comment from Mrs. Peel
Time: May 13, 2011, 12:50 pm
Project Gutenberg was my friend for classic literature long before I had a Nook…but I have discovered a couple of excellent books I otherwise wouldn’t have because of the Nook. B&N occasionally offers a few of the B&N Classics nookbooks for free, and browsing those, I’ve happened across The Woman in White, which is a classic Victorian epistolary thriller – I recommend it to all – and Two Years Before the Mast, which is a nonfiction account by an educated man who spent two years working as a common sailor, back before California was a state. I expected that to be boring, but the description was interesting enough that I figured I might as well pick up the free copy. It turned out to be FASCINATING. Seriously. I have zero interest in sailing and don’t typically like nonfiction, but Richard Henry Dana was such a compelling writer that I dove into his story and was totally absorbed for a few days. Also highly recommended.
I’ve been on a Read the Great Books quest for a while. Right now, I am “in progress” on the King James Version, the Mahabharata, and the Iliad. (I started out in chronological order, but I typically read KJV before bed and can’t stand the Mahabharata for very long, so I occasionally jump down to something more recent for walking-around reading.)
(I don’t recommend the Mahabharata. At all. I’m sure that makes me some sort of unlettered savage, but seriously, it’s like Chronicles meets The Silmarillion as told by Scheherazade on crack. And that’s not a compliment.)
Comment from Deborah
Time: May 13, 2011, 12:54 pm
I read a lot of classics because I read whatever my two older sisters were reading, and they were 5 and 6 years older than me. After my oldest sister’s first semester of college, she came home with a copy of Fanny Hill, which she hid under the mattress in our bedroom. Boy howdy, was that ever educational for a 12-year-old!
Comment from EastAsia
Time: May 13, 2011, 1:36 pm
I got a Kindle for Christmas–the free books are beyond cool. I’d wanted to read a certain Sheridan LeFanu book ever since I saw it mentioned in a Dorothy Sayers mystery, oh, decades ago. Not available in any bookstore, library or flea market, but itโs online! So cool. Did I mention it was free?
Comment from EastAsia
Time: May 13, 2011, 1:50 pm
Oh, and Stoatie, Happy Burfday!
Uncle B–you are absolutely right about the price of digital books. I’ve run across some that cost MORE than the hardcover! Who are they kidding? (And there is NO EXCUSE for a DIGITAL book to have typos. Fix it, dammit!)
Can’t Hark–there’s a really clever ‘book’ that’s just a catalog of Proj. Gutenberg free e-books. You get that on your friend’s Kindle, and she can download any of the books with just a click. It’s pretty cool.
Comment from Mark Matis
Time: May 13, 2011, 2:41 pm
Is any of Common’s work out there on e-books? I mean, if he’s good enough for The One and Moochelle, his writings must be something TRULY special…
Comment from EastAsia
Time: May 13, 2011, 2:46 pm
“Common Sense”, yeah. Common, hellz no.
Comment from Simon Oliver Lockwood
Time: May 13, 2011, 2:48 pm
I just got a Kindle (for my anniversary) and managed to fill it to the brim with pdfs. Hopefully actual Kindle-format books take up less space ๐
Comment from surly ermine
Time: May 13, 2011, 2:58 pm
Grats! I got one fer Christmas. Love it! Amazon even has the King and Powell weasel bible in Kindle format.
I told the wife I accidentally bought it ($$) and I could cancel it if she wanted. Hey, with that one click order stuff it could happen!
Lemme know if you figure out an easy way to get your art into the screen saver. Everything I’ve read looks like you have to mod the kindle.
Comment from surly ermine
Time: May 13, 2011, 3:05 pm
I fall asleep with mine and roll on it all night but wow Hark, e-reading in the tub, that’s hardcore!
Comment from Christopher Taylor
Time: May 13, 2011, 4:11 pm
This is book 2. The first book will be out in the fall, with some editing and small rewrites. I have to wait for the Publish America contract to lapse so I own it again.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 13, 2011, 5:00 pm
I wondered about that, surly. Customizing the screen savers, I mean. The way it renders black and white art is cool as hell. (Have you read the Kine saga, btw? Not available in Kindle format, alas).
Oh, go on, Christopher — link to your lit’rature!
Comment from Oldcat
Time: May 13, 2011, 5:34 pm
The itty bitty USB cables have 2 connector types (M and F). my Cameras and MP3 players use the opposite kinds. I’m not sure which one Kindle uses, but one of each kind should be all you need for these USB connected devices.
Comment from Mitchell
Time: May 13, 2011, 5:41 pm
I downloaded the Kindle app for my Droid phone and I’m downloading free and fee stuff. I just finished Orwell’s 1984. Egads what a depressing book.
Happy birthmonth Stoaty!
Comment from Oldcat
Time: May 13, 2011, 5:43 pm
Can’t Hark – I know they have that kind of waterproof cover for GPS devices for fisherman. You could search those to see if one of them can fit a Kindle in it.
Comment from surly ermine
Time: May 13, 2011, 5:43 pm
Yeah, b&w illus look great on Kindle. I saved a bunch on mine which I can view but not as screensavers. Kine looks like a good read, I’ll try to get my hands on a copy. Tried the Welkin Weasels series but couldn’t get into it.
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: May 13, 2011, 5:49 pm
Oldcat: Actually, I’m pretty sure they do make that accessory specifically for the Kindle; SONY’s e-readers don’t seem to attract quite the same attention. Sigh. I detest Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and I am now paying for my sins. . .
Comment from Mitchell
Time: May 13, 2011, 5:56 pm
Huh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the words “detest” & “Amazon” in such close proximity. Are you sure you’re using the right word there?
Comment from Mike
Time: May 13, 2011, 6:48 pm
There’s an app for managing your books and converting across formats called Calibre. It’s free, and worth a look; can’t remember if it’s Mac only, or if they have a Windoze version too, and I’m too lazy to look right now.
Also, if you’re into sci-fi at all, Baen Books has a lot of free stuff on their website, including a bunch of good ones from David Weber. The Honorverse rules!
Umm. Sorry for the complete lapse into geekydorky there.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 13, 2011, 7:03 pm
Heh. Uncle B bought me the (then)complete Honorverse on CD years ago.
Thanks for the tip, Mike. Looks like Windows version. Also Linus.
Comment from Frit
Time: May 14, 2011, 12:15 am
Stoaty: I have some of the Star Trek books in paperback, and yes, they are crunchy snacks for the brain. ๐ My favorites are:
– Uhurah’s Song
– Q-In-Law
– How Much For Just the Planet
All 3 great for gigglefits, and occasional outright bursts of laughter.
(Imzadi has a few great lines in it too, but is slightly more serious than the above listed ones.)
Mike: Oh yes, David Weber rocks! I only have everything he’s published so far. Heh.
Also fun, and available free online, is the Belasarious Series by David Drake & Eric Flint; available here:
The book titles are (in order):
– An Oblique Approach
– In The Heart Of Darkness
– Destiny’s Shield
– Fortunes Stroke
– The Tide Of Victory
– The Dance Of Time
Just a few of my favorites… if I listed all my ‘favorite’ books or authors, I’d probably hit the spam filter! (I have over 2,000 books in my library. Yes, I’m a Book Wyrm!)
Happy B-Day, Stoaty! Hope it is/was/will be a great one! ๐
Comment from Pavel
Time: May 14, 2011, 4:25 am
Word to the wise: Do not do the hacks that allow you to put other artwork on the screensaver. I did that, and couldn’t update the OS. I had to back out all the hacks after a great deal of research. NOT worth the brain damage.
Comment from Ken
Time: May 14, 2011, 10:58 pm
Woot woot! I have a Sony Reader Touch — no downloads (all transfers via USB), but the touch screen makes reading oddly booklike — a flick of the finger turns the page.
And while I’m thinking about it, allow me to recommend The Final Reflection — the best Star Trek novel of ’em all, for my money. It’s by the late (alas!) John M. Ford, who also wrote How Much for Just the Planet? before his untimely passing, and I think The Final Reflection stands on its own warp nacelles as actual literature.
Comment from Mrs. Hill
Time: May 15, 2011, 12:48 am
Happy Birthmonth, Stoaty, and happy reader!
We got my aged parents a nook for Christmas. At 86, my retired-reference-librarian father was convinced we’d wasted our money. But most of the books he wants are actually easier to find in free, online editions than on paper – rare, out of print, etc. – and B&N has incorporated much, if not all, of Google books into the nook catalog. Win! I downloaded a title for him that he’d given up on decades ago – The Adventures of Dunsterforce (by ‘Stalky’, for fellow Kipling junkies) – now he loves the thing. Daughter points!
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 15, 2011, 12:01 pm
You know those long, in-depth Web articles that you give up on halfway through because you have the attention span of a fruit-fly when reading in a browser? Print to .pdf, move to the Kindle and — viola!
It’s not the most congenial .pdf reader, but if you reorient it to landscape mode and fit width, it’s not bad…
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: May 15, 2011, 12:03 pm
Mrs. Hill–is there a way to load books onto the Nook other than from the Nook catalog? (Yes. . .my law partner has a Kindle, my best friend has a Nook, I am becoming the electronic-reader maven of my neck of the woods, what can I say?) And, gee, “The Adventures of Dunsterforce?” Wow! I’ll bet it’s bearly readable, but I’d love to at least give it a try. . .
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 15, 2011, 12:50 pm
You know who’s kind of fun for a while, from the free lit bin? Horatio Alger. From the ones I read, it’s a complete misnomer to tag him as the “rags to riches” guy. He’s more like “rags to respectable comfort” — through honesty, hard work and all that other protestant work ethic jazz.
I like reading Nineteenth C novels, even if they can be a bit of a hard slog. You pick up so much incidental detail about clothes and food and customs and attitudes. Reading about an era is no substitute for reading from an era.
Comment from Can\’t hark my cry
Time: May 15, 2011, 1:10 pm
Heh. Have you read Little Lord Fauntleroy? That WAS the original “rags to riches” story–but its kind of fun.
Agreed about reading from an era. You get a sense of it that noone writing from the outside can ever give you (even those who have steeped themselves in writings from the era).
East Lynne
Comment from Mrs. Hill
Time: May 16, 2011, 2:24 am
Can’t Hark – Loading non-B&N books? Yes! It’s very like the descriptions people have given of the Kindle. Once you have something – .pdf, ePub – downloaded to your computer, you can hitch up the nook via USB, then drag and drop the files into the nook’s My Documents folder. Piece o’ cake!
As for Dunsterforce, even if you’re not a Stalky fan, you might find it interesting, especially in light of current events. It’s the sort of book that’s best read with an atlas handy, though – luckily, I have my copy in my iPad nook app. ๐ Actually, I was amazed at how well the maps app handles older/ Anglicized(?) spellings of place names – put in ‘Tiflis’ and it takes you right to Tblisi! **geekgasm!** Sorry.
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: May 16, 2011, 11:21 am
Thank you–and I really don’t think you have to apologize to this crowd for that!
How’s Dunsterville’s writing style? I would not expect Stalky to be a captivating writer. . .
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: May 16, 2011, 11:45 am
It occurs to me I should probably give back. . .
The SONY E-reader comes with software you download to your computer (“Reader Library”) which you use for storing and organizing books. I’m not sure I wouldn’t prefer just having a regular documents folder–I’m assuming, in both the Nook and Kindle, that you can create folders within the My Documents folder so that your books can be organized into categories on the reader itself?
Comment from Mrs. Hill
Time: May 16, 2011, 5:17 pm
We-eeeeell, believe it or not – on the nook, at least- even though you can sort your files into a hierarchy of folders and subfolders, the hierarchy is only visible from the computer end of the USB connection. My Documents on the reader is a flat list! My folks are in their eighties, however, and as my attempts to help them organize their browser bookmarks into folders have so far resulted in a sidebar full of open folders, we don’t lament the omission.
Dunsterville is actually a very good read. It’s primarily a factual account of the mission, but he has a wry perspective that comes through very well.
Here’s a snippet:
Before proceeding to wind our way through the narrow and muddy roads of the town, I halted the convoy behind a vineyard near to the principal gate to enable them to close up and make a smart entry. At this moment we were greeted with a sudden outburst of rapid firing and the sound of bullets whizzing quite as near as an aimed Persian bullet would be likely to be. However, they proved to be not hostile but friendly bullets ; a large wagon filled with Russian soldiers came slowly round the corner through the snow, and the occupants were indulging with rather more than usual vigour in their favourite pastime of firing a feu de joie.
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: May 17, 2011, 1:34 am
On the other hand, you probably didn’t have to send it for repairs (or replacement with a refurbished model) within less than a year of buying it. Harumph! Sigh. . .
Sounds like Stalky (thinking here about the final story in The Complete Stalky & Co.. I’ll give it a go, if I can find a copy compatible with my (sadly) refurbished EReader.
Comment from Mrs. Hill
Time: May 17, 2011, 4:01 pm
‘Kubbadar! Tumbleinga!” ๐
My father has a first edition Complete Stalky – amazing and not a little overwhelming when I think how he let his thirteen-year-old brat child nearly destroy it with rereading.
Comment from Surly ermine
Time: August 17, 2011, 11:14 pm
Hey, got a copy of Kine… Wife took it. I hope to finish it soon.
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