Things’re getting tight around here…
Two days ago, our cellphones were out for a day because thieves broke into O2 headquarters and stole some highly specialized, custom computer equipment. Stolen on commission, suspicion is. Financial picture really is getting very dire here.
By the time the power came back on, I had buggered off to bed with my Kindle and a giant whisky. Oh, well. It wasn’t a very good post, anyway.
Right! Dead Pool is auto-queued to post itself in about five and a half hours. Let’s hope the Grim Reaper takes a chill pill this time.
p.s. For all you kindly OCD-ridden souls writing to point out that the sidebar link still goes to an antique Dead Pool, here’s the deal: I HATE editing my sidebar. I only update that link after the current Dead Pool falls off the top page. Lately, they’ve been dying faster than the ten posts that make up the front page.
So now you know.
Posted: May 20th, 2011 under blogging, personal.
Comments: 17
Comment from Oceania
Time: May 20, 2011, 12:44 pm
Uncle Oceania may suggest that you invest in a lead acid or calcium battery array, and a 240AC full sin wave inverter …. 🙂
Comment from Mono The Elderish
Time: May 20, 2011, 2:00 pm
… Our power went out the other day too, Although that was due to some idjit crashing their car into a power pole upstream. a lot less fun than a professional robbery. 😛
Comment from Mono The Elderish
Time: May 20, 2011, 2:01 pm
… Our power went out the other day too, Although that was due to some idjit crashing their car into a power pole upstream. a lot less fun than a professional robbery 😛 . Yeah, people have been dropping like flies lately… maybe this one’ll last longer…
Comment from bad cat robot
Time: May 20, 2011, 3:23 pm
I hate sin wave inverters. They make you wash behind your ears, eat your vegetables, and tell the truth. No fun.
Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: May 20, 2011, 4:00 pm
This one time, in Wisconsin, I was driving along and, suddenly, there was a brilliant purple flash. Then, a flaming, dead goose landed on the hood of my car.
I can only surmise that the poor thing flew between two power lines, and it’s wing were close enough to complete the circuit.
Probably didn’t feel anything.
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: May 20, 2011, 4:12 pm
all you kindly OCD-ridden souls
Harumph! (Snort!)
Comment from steve
Time: May 20, 2011, 4:49 pm
This one time, in Wisconsin, I was driving along and, suddenly, there was a brilliant purple flash. Then, a flaming, dead goose landed on the hood of my car.
His goose was cooked. So to speak…..
(Consider this a WST time check….We all have to simonize our watches, as you know….)
Comment from Pablo
Time: May 20, 2011, 5:00 pm
Damn! I was gonna pick Randy “Macho Man” Savage this time! i swears it!
Comment from jwpaine
Time: May 20, 2011, 5:04 pm
I do not have OCD! Never had OCD! Never will have OCD! I don’t even know what OCD means! I don’t even know how to freakin’ pronounce OCD! OCD, Moi? Nyet!
Comment from Can’t hark my cry
Time: May 20, 2011, 5:54 pm
jwpaine: What about CDO–which is the same as OCD but the with letters in alphabetic order AS THEY SHOULD BE?
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: May 20, 2011, 5:55 pm
Huh. I just received two emails from PayPal, both to a legitimate email I use for online shopping (but I’ve never used them for PayPal). One says “sorry you’re closing your account” and the other says “thank you for opening an account” and they were sent in that order.
I can’t work out whether to be concerned. And PayPal sure doesn’t make it easy to report stuff like that.
Comment from Mark Matis
Time: May 20, 2011, 8:53 pm
Log in to your account, then go here:
and pick “Report Fraud/Prohibit Use” “Report Spam/Suspicious E-mail”
Comment from Gromulin
Time: May 20, 2011, 11:50 pm
Can’t hark – Heh. I like that one, consider it stolen.
I’ll take the bait…really on a dial phone? I only ask because so much of european teleom gear was made by the Germans…and their electromechanical switchgear runs like something out of The Nautilus. Stuff would last forever.
Speaking of Germans – Had the misfortune of having dinner next to a foursome of nasty French tourists in Yosemite last weekend. Horrible, smelly, rude trolls. Taunted them viciously. I love being an ugly American in America, when need be.
Comment from Can\’t hark my cry
Time: May 21, 2011, 12:13 am
Gromulin–well, I swiped it in the first place from a lolcat; I will spare the feelings of the person who put me on to it, and not name names. . .but it resonates for me, y’know?
Comment from Oceania
Time: May 21, 2011, 1:07 am
I can’t understand why your banks just don’t let you electronically transfer money from your account to ‘x’ account ….
Heading to the USA and the UK was like stepping back in time 35 years …. like banks actually still have ‘shops’ where you go in to deposit/withdraw money.
What a quaint concept!
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