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A very Amazon Christmas (again)

Welp, that’s it. That’s my Christmas shopping done. And I did it all without moving from this spot.

Do you have any idea how screwed I would be without Amazon? Can’t drive, foreign country, unhelpful spouse. Unhelpful in the sense that he doesn’t want anything. If it’s short of a Ferrari, he’s already bought it for himself.

I’m reduced to trawling the fearsome backwaters of Amazon. Occasionally, I score a hit (the electric butter dish I got him for his birthday has worked a treat), but it’s usually the Festival of Socks and Underpants.

Fortunately, he loves him some socks and underpants.


Comment from Nina
Time: December 14, 2011, 11:45 pm

Yeah, Amazon UK is my friend, too. I hate going to actual shops, so it’s online for me. Thank God for al gore inventing the Internet.

I ordered something from Etsy for the kids in England, too. Searched on artists in Hull and shopped local. To them, anyway. The nice English lady even wrapped it and included a to/from tag. How’s that for service?!

There isn’t an Amazon NO, unfortunately. The closest to them is UK.

I’m pissy again–a cat spilled water on my keyboard and it’s toast even after 2 days of aggressive hot air application. I’ll have to buy a new one, %<€¥*+!!!

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: December 14, 2011, 11:56 pm

A cat? Not THE cat? How many do you have?

Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: December 15, 2011, 12:18 am

Nina: A cat got water on your keyboard.

There are two ways this could happen. One is entirely the cat’s fault (but I wouldn’t call it spilling – or water).

The other is that you had a container full of water near/above the keyboard, which the cat knocked over. It’s unlikely that the cat brought a container of water to the keyboard.

Comment from Nina
Time: December 15, 2011, 12:32 am

No, not THE cat, which is aggravating as I don’t know which of the furry darlings is responsible for–as Rich so accurately pointed out–knocking a glass that had a bit of water in it ACROSS the desk to land on my keyboard while I was at work on Monday. I suspect the feline in question was trying to drink out of the glass, which has resulted in disaster for the keyboard in question, but whichever one it was, he/she/it seems to be supremely unrepentant. No confessions or apologies forthcoming as yet.

Comment from Argentium G. Tiger
Time: December 15, 2011, 1:10 am

Hey Nina, if the keyboard is expensive or has special non-monetary value to you, you might want to give some isopropyl alcohol a shot; that’s the preferred chemical to get contaminates (like water) out of electronics, and it dries fast, with no film; works pretty decent as a degreaser too! Just don’t have any source of spark or open flame around it or the keyboard if it’s coated. *heh*

So far, searching for it based on price, http://www.napcoltd.com seems to be coming in at the cheapest. Haven’t done business with them myself (yet) so I can’t recommend for/against, but there it is, if it helps ya.

Comment from Deborah
Time: December 15, 2011, 1:59 am

I’ve been over at Amazon reading about temperature controlled butter dishes 🙂 Really, I had no idea they existed. My mother would have loved one.

Comment from Mike James
Time: December 15, 2011, 2:15 am

Ah, but does Uncle Badger have one of these:

Wenger Swiss Army Giant Knife

Lots of positive reviews.

Comment from Oceania
Time: December 15, 2011, 2:25 am

My Xmas came from Tehran this year.

Bit of a Calender Series of drone pictures and specifications – in English!

It is sooo a copy of the Horten IX .. but the electronics are interesting!

Comment from EZnSF
Time: December 15, 2011, 2:30 am

Last time I was at the mall was three years ago. On Christmas Eve Eve. A fully stripped down cavity search, at the gate, at Chicago O’Hare, on Thanksgiving, would have been preferable.

I have become a dedicated online shopper, including JCPennys.

I bought a really nice mantle clock as a gift on Amazon last week. On sale. I was a bit dubious that I was actually saving 60% and that it would be as nice as advertised. It had a minor $10 fix that I wanted, so I took it to a local clock repair. The German clock guy (complete with accompanying cuckoo clocks in the background) told me what he thought is was worth. Yup I saved 60%. I f*ing LOVE Amazon.

Dame Stoat should get an Amazon link on the sidebar. I always buy through a couple of likable blog links. (wait, is there one?…Nope) My understanding is yuz get a cut.

I do like physically going into a Home Depot. I love the smell of hardware stores of a Saturday.

Comment from Feynmangroupie
Time: December 15, 2011, 2:34 am

I’m all excited, now that I know that electric butter dishes exist.

High quality socks are a treat. I’m partial to thick smart-wool with fitted instep and heel, but only when they’re discounted. Paying US $20-30 for one pair of socks is cause for fits, no matter how awesome they are.

Comment from Armybrat
Time: December 15, 2011, 3:05 am

I’m a huge fan of on line shopping. I’m pretty sure that about 80% of the goods that enter my house are ordered on line. For my US friends, let me share the wealth of ebates.com. And become familiar with retailmenot.com. Sorry to spam here, stoaty, but let’s share the savings.

Comment from Scott Jacobs
Time: December 15, 2011, 3:42 am

On the move? Adaptable for caravan, motor home, boat or car

Wait, what???

Comment from Sven in Colorado
Time: December 15, 2011, 4:11 am


For Mizz D and I its:

Its http://www.duluthtrading.com/store/mens-home.aspx?src=M014099&admkt=&s_kwcid=TC-8006-252566751-e-59868287

We both work outdoors, she with critters, I with construction….And we both like to fly fish and do a bit of upland bird hunting.

Colorado being what it is, the folks at Duluth provide better than the normal traditional “Dry Goods” fare that once was cataloged by Sears Roebuck, J.C.Penny, Montgomery Wards and a plethora of mail order houses.

I purchase not a whit of my reloading supplies online. Way too many eyes on the prize.

As for Christmas gifting…..I would suggest y’all take a look at taking care of the those who stand guard whilst we sleep and their compatriots who have given life and limb to so that we might rest safe at home.

Christ gave himself to save us all. These young, and not so young, stand in harms way while we party and rejoice….or in Oceania’s case, grumble and perturbate. I will post a list of sites, if Ms. Stoat sez its ok. One is as simple as sending $2.00 to provide a measure of coffee and a heartfelt greeting to the boots on the ground…standing in harms way.

Its all about the giving….not the getting.

THAT, beloved is the core of what we celebrate here.

God bless all’y’all

Comment from catnip
Time: December 15, 2011, 4:58 am

@Sven, you’re probably preaching to the choir here re: supporting our military.

Thanks a bunch for the shopping link! Very nice quality goods, and I ordered 2 pairs of fleece-lined jeans for the do-it-himselfer.

Comment from Nina
Time: December 15, 2011, 5:12 am

I would love Duluth if I had someone to buy rugged stuff for, but I don’t as we’re all a bunch of pansies. 🙂

Alcohol, eh? Generic OTC 70%? I might try it, as at this point it’s not working and I’ve nothing to lose, right?

Sven, please do post some links, I’d like to know them!

Comment from SCOTTtheBADGER
Time: December 15, 2011, 5:25 am

Don’t get OTC, it quite often has lanolin in it, if it’s labelled rubbing alcohol. Get it from the pharmacy. I build 1/700 scale ships from scratch, and pure isopropyl is what I use to thin Polly S paints, useful stuff.

Badgers always sqeal with delight when given object marked with the sacred letters S&W, SIG,or HK. I bet he would love a S&W M&P 15-22, I believe .22s are still kosher in the UK, aren’t they?

Comment from Argentium G. Tiger
Time: December 15, 2011, 8:54 am

Scott: Thanks for that explanation! 🙂

Nina: Further to what Scott said, I’ve always used the 99%+ isopropyl, as that’s the variant that will properly isolate and remove the water.

Whatever the remaining 30% is in the 70% version (water, lanolin, minerals, etc…) it’s probably not appropriate for an application of getting all the water out of electronics. It might work, but I’d be worried about what would be left behind that might interfere later.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: December 15, 2011, 11:12 am

Post all the links you like, y’all. ‘Tis the season.

We buy each other egregiously expensive socks. It is a personal indulgence.

Comment from Sven in Colorado
Time: December 15, 2011, 2:35 pm

http://www.greenbeanscoffee.com/ (great place to send coffee and greetings to an individual in the service)

http://www.soldiersangels.org/ (the name sez it all)

http://www.uso.org/ (Yeup, the USO is still around, going strong.)

http://www.woundedwarriorproject.org/ (these folks are amazing)

There are more organizations out there. I know the above *NOT* to be scams.

Comment from Stark Dickflüssig
Time: December 15, 2011, 2:46 pm

I could use some solar-powered measuring cups (accurate to 0.000038% when used correctly in strong sunlight).

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: December 15, 2011, 2:57 pm

Sorry about the trip to the spam bucket, Sven. It’s allergic to links.

Comment from Sven in Colorado
Time: December 15, 2011, 3:00 pm

Stoaty, thanks for the rescue from the cyber dust bucket.

Comment from Deborah
Time: December 15, 2011, 3:09 pm

I’ve been thinking about taking up knitting again, just so I could knit soft soft woolly socks.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: December 15, 2011, 3:13 pm

Fishing the group mind here: I have a sweater that Mrs. Vegetable knitted for me some 20 years ago. The yarn she used is some amazing stuff- very thick and seemingly hand-rolled (barely an overstatement). When she first got it there were wood shavings and tiny (duck?) feathers
in the yarn; uneven thickness, undyed, and just generally right off the sheep.

Woven into a sweater and then shrunk to fit, this stuff is amazingly warm and has been virtually indestructible despite doing duty as my favorite sweater….
But now it’s getting close to the time where I’ll need to beg her to knit another. What better gift under the tree than a hunk-a-hunk of smelly yarn? 😉

Would anybody have any ideas where in cyberspace to find such a uber-yarn?

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: December 15, 2011, 3:17 pm

Oh! Nina have you researched the rice-trick for drying out electronic components?

NOTE: Be sure to cover the box so the cats don’t confuse the rice with something else. Just sayin’ 🙂

Comment from Mark T
Time: December 15, 2011, 5:35 pm

Just got back from a great trip to Wisconsin. Bought way too much at Fleet & Farm (Fart &Fleem). BBQ grill lighters that look like ice fishing rods, T-Shirts that have wise sayings about the merits of duct tape, malted milk balls that shame Malteasers, and Coke memorabilia that will please my trainspotting neighbour.. And flannel sheets from Tar-get! You should have seen the oversized luggage. The flight home (via Charlotte, NC?!?) was hideous–cattle-car economy, rough turbulence, and three screaming babies. I’ve done nothing but drink tea, tut, and sigh all day long. Glad to be home!

Comment from Mark T
Time: December 15, 2011, 5:40 pm

Nina, I even dragged back a new Mac keyboard, and I have a perfectly good, almost new cordless Logitech keyboard which is up for grabs. Let me know if you’re interested. -Mark

Comment from Redd
Time: December 15, 2011, 6:56 pm

You can knit a sweater from dog fur. http://goo.gl/NlpeU
Can you make anything out of chicken feathers?

Comment from sandman says:nothing to see here…
Time: December 15, 2011, 7:05 pm

I enjoy buying online since I don’t have to trawl the crowded aisles, or fight the local illegal immigrant invasion at WallyWorld. I prefer guns and knives that I can read about without the couch commandos giving their version of the Iraq War as they fought it with the exact item I am looking to buy….well the tall tales get old. And some twit at a gun shop who looks like David Spade was the last jackleg I dealt with. Other than my permit class, I do all my hunting for hunting myself, from a distance.

Comment from sandman says:nothing to see here…
Time: December 15, 2011, 7:13 pm

And like Stoaty’s hubby I have nothing on my list that isn’t fairly exensive and most go bang or have a edge to cut with. And since Stoaty had guns, sadly separating from them for the trip cross the pond, here is my menagerie:

Sig Sauer 1, Glocks 3, S&W 1, feg 1, Remington 12 ga 1, New England 12 ga 1, 5.45 AK 74, Ruger 10/22 1, Marlin .22 1, Kel Tec folder carbine 1, SKS with shortened bbl and muzzle brake 1.

So that covers my real interest ( formerly Stoaty’s) and why I have nothing to let others buy for me. I prefer certain things and local shops usually don’t stock them, anyway.

Simple to shop for me: don’t. Been this way since I caught the gun/knife bug in the Army. Also goes with being southern.

Other than that, I like green bean casserole. That’s my Christmas list this year: green bean casserole.

Comment from sandman says:nothing to see here…
Time: December 15, 2011, 7:21 pm

And spyderco knives. But hey, those are pricey too. So green beans it is…except for what I buy for me.

Comment from Redd
Time: December 15, 2011, 8:02 pm

I bet you could knit one out of dog fur. 😉

Comment from Uncle Badger
Time: December 15, 2011, 9:43 pm

Sadly, cousin Scott, even .22s are banned in this benighted country, unless you have some sort of hard-to-get licence.

Her Stoatliness and I had dinner with one of my clients recently, during which we were treated to the lecture on the evil of guns and why they will never be legalised in the UK (and this from someone who lives much of the year in the USA!).

Much silent digging of nails into palms took place, believe me.

Rule one: don’t argue with the client when he pays his bills.

Even if he is an ignorant bastard.

Comment from Nina
Time: December 16, 2011, 12:24 am

While I’ll still fiddle with the old keyboard, I don’t have time to wait for said fiddling, so I bought a new one. I’d forgot how nice a new keyboard is, when the keys are not worn smooth and the letters are still bright and clear. 🙂

Places to find wool, you can start with Etsy, or someplace like http://www.woolery.com/store/pc/Wool-Fibers-c69.htm

Many places googleable.

Comment from Oh Hell
Time: December 16, 2011, 5:09 am

Some Vegetable: Try here if you can’t get Mrs. V to knit you a new sweater:
Hope this doesn’t get me a quick trip to spamland…

Comment from Argentium G. Tiger
Time: December 16, 2011, 5:51 am

Nina: Eminently sensible choice. As satisfying as it is to perform a repair, sometimes it’s really not worth the time, effort, materials, or expense.

I hope you enjoy the new keyboard, and that it gives you many years of faithful service.

Just keep the cat away from it. 😉

Speaking of repairs, this may amuse you. I recently pulled apart Mrs. Tiger’s mouse because it wasn’t acting quite right. I then spent over an hour cleaning the silly thing out; the amount of cat-fur that had gotten into every crevice and corner of that thing was astonishing. Her favored cat-loaf loves to sit on her right desk-leaf and apparently is quite effective at getting fur into everything.

Comment from Nina
Time: December 16, 2011, 9:49 am

Many years ago my dad’s VCR quit working and he took it in to be repaired–yeah, that was back in the day when you repaired such things, not just replaced them–and when he went to collect it the guy asked him if he had a white cat. Daddy said uhhhh, yes, how did you know? I’m sure you can imagine what there was a lot of inside the VCR and where
Atilla the white cat liked to sleep.

I am convinced that cat hair has some cosmic purpose–it’s so ubiquitous it must.

Speaking of pets, how are the chooks dealing with the onset of winter, Stoaty? Especially since I doubt you have a warm 1970s vintage VCR for them to sleep on?

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: December 16, 2011, 10:57 am

The chooks are hating Winter, Nina. The big girls are thoroughly grumpy and peck at the little girls, so they hide. Which is hard to do in a 4-chicken run.

Our cat is black *and* white — so she helpfully sheds visibly on everything.

Comment from Frit
Time: December 16, 2011, 11:15 am

Hi, Argentium G. Tiger! Another amusing cat-n-keyboard story for you: A friend of mine who I chat online with will occasionally send me a text message of “mdjenvcgtudsa,lk”, then the next message is “Punkin says hi” – Punkin being her 8.5 kilo orange tabby (fixed) tomcat, who loves to flop out on her keyboard when he thinks she isn’t paying enough attention to him. I got to know the cat when I stayed with them during the time I was waiting for my visa approval to Oz. Delightful puddy-tat!

Something else you may recall, ‘Tiger, is another good xmas gift link (tho unfortunately, I think they only ship to North America, not overseas. *pout*)

Happy Holidays to everyone! 🙂

Comment from Mrs. Hill
Time: December 16, 2011, 5:09 pm

I was reading aloud to Mr. Hill from the butter dish reviews when I came to this bit:

“There is a small fan underneath that pulls in air and sometimes a bit of dust and fluff gathers in here ocassionally that my wife cleans out quite easily with a small brush.”

Does the brush come with it? 😉

Luckily, when I choked and spluttered I was using the iPad – virtual keyboard, glass – so cleanup was a snap.

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