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Not my hand. Not my toilet. I pinched it from this thoughtful article in Heating, Ventilating and Plumbing magazine titled TOILET MANUFACTURERS CALLED ON TO RETHINK DUAL FLUSH BUTTONS.

It is a quandary. The dual flush toilet was foist upon Britain to save water. Little button for little flush, big button for big flush. Problem is, they actually waste water, partly through people not remembering which button does which and partly through a leaky mechanism. To the tune of 88 million gallons a year.

Also, they break a lot. Usually in the wee hours when a weasel gets up for a wee, disconsolately mashing a button that doesn’t respond. Then repeating the exercise in the morning because I forgot. Bleh.

There are actually several different types of toilet in the UK and I have struggled with all of them. Here’s the Toilet Guru in his Toilets of the World series explaining British Toilets. There’s even a WikiHow.

Fortunately, we were able to get a plumber on short notice, so it’s working again. I understand the mechanism was full of bees.

July 20, 2023 — 6:09 pm
Comments: 9