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That word of all words

The memo has gone out: watch this hilarious supercut of Democrats calling JD Vance ‘weird’. I counted 54 times the word was used – all today, I guess? I meant to count how many different people were using it, but it turns out I can’t count two things at once.

Of all the words they could have chosen, you’d think that one would be their kryptonite. A huge part of their base is weird and loves being weird and loves being labeled weird and just all-around adores weird in its every permutation. The drag queens, queers, pedos and other assorted deviants probably feel a little robbed of their special word.

Meanwhile, politicians in their coalition kinda wish the weirdos would pipe down a little so they can sell their junk to voters. Weird is a word they shouldn’t want in the conversation. Weird is not their winning issue.

And JD Vance seems the least weird person in politics right now. I don’t know much about him yet – I haven’t read his book or anything – but he radiates normal guy-next-door. He seems like a softball and bowling team kind of guy. Even if he isn’t, that’s still the vibe he gives off. He’s the anti-weird.

I mean, Trump is weird. Sure. But I can think of a dozen qualities they’d have more success pinning on Vance.

Oh, hey – I just noticed I posted this yesterday: “They’re up to something and it’s something weird.” Get Nostradamus here.

p.s. Albert is still with us. He’s not much improved despite coaxing him with catfood (though he did crow up a storm this morning).

July 30, 2024 — 6:13 pm
Comments: 7