web analytics

they said she couldn’t play BLUES on the BAGPIPES…

No, really – that’s the title of the YouTube. She manages it, too.

The YouTube algorithm is a dark mystery to me. I mean, I know I don’t like it. There’s that.

But I have no idea why they recommended this video to me. I don’t really do music, let alone blues or bagpipes. Not necessarily a bad thing to throw something random in my lap. Maybe I’ll find something new to be stupidly fascinated by.

But recently it’s started showing me videos I’ve watched before. Like, in the past week. I know it knows I’ve seen them, because they have a red line across the bottom where the progress bar has gone all the way across.

NOW they’ve been offering me videos I watched (and liked) fifteen years ago. Yes, I realize that means I’ve been visiting this supreme timewaster for a decade and a half. I’m not proud.

I had something raunchy queued up to post until I realized how bad it looked next to yesterday’s non-post.

September 12, 2024 — 7:01 pm
Comments: 4