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This guy’s face screams functional psychotic to me. The long-term nutter has an emaciated, hollowed-out look because eating as a pleasurable activity humans engage in is not for him.

Also, he has a long, long history of minor scrapes with the law, another whackjob characteristic.

But he’s able to run a business and fly around the world (albeit for loony reasons). So reasonably functional.

Not one for conspiracies, but I bet he had a handler. Somebody noticed him, probably in Ukraine, and figured him for an easy mark. One cock-eyed story about saving the world would do it.

He had stolen plates and a gun with the serial number filed off and he was hunkered in the bushes of the golf course even though Trump had no advance plan to golf that day. Big hmmmmm.

Oh, and I know it was justified, but it flips me out that the agents fired into the bushes when they had no idea what was there. I wonder if they were expected to kill him. I wonder if interrogation will get anything out of him.

We will probably never know.

September 16, 2024 — 5:55 pm
Comments: 7