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I’ve had a day

I’m definitely feeding a magpie. Whether it’s the same magpie, I couldn’t say. Seems pretty healthy, this one. I have a box of catfood the cat rejected, so bird is welcome to it.

I bought a series of ink drawings at an online auction. They’re framed, which is a shame because I don’t have anywhere to hang them, I just wanted to study his technique. I’ll post more when I get them.

And then…A WEASEL RAN ACROSS THE ROAD IN FRONT OF US. Which, I forgot to tell you, also happened last week in nearly the same spot. But what does it mean?

We had lunch at our favorite local cafe and got chatting with the waitress (who’s also the owner). I don’t remember how the conversation turned to human nature, but she told us she used to be a prison guard in a lockup for female sex offenders. She said the only prisoner who struck her as completely evil was…Myra Hindley!

If you are a consumer of true crime, you’ll know exactly who that is. If you’re not, I don’t recommend looking up the details. They’re bad.

My blog is no longer letting me preview posts before I publish them, marking us one day closer to the day it simply falls over and stops moving. Until then, if you see any typos, let me know.

Finally, DEAD POOL TOMORROW. Be here. Or don’t. I’m not the boss of you.

October 24, 2024 — 6:21 pm
Comments: 2