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This is old


This came up in conversation today. Now that I’ve looked it up, I might as well share.

I can’t find a reference, but per my memory: the story goes that a guy made this and sent it to his girlfriend for her birthday (you’ll see a dedication to April). And then it went viral, back in the happy olden times before “go viral” was a thing people said.

If you’ve not seen it before, enjoy.


Comment from Nina
Time: August 21, 2015, 3:53 am

I laughed. Very very hard.

How can I never have seen this???

Comment from netwing11@yahoo.com
Time: August 21, 2015, 4:17 am

Insensitive, I know, since we’re obviously watching someone writhing with a cruel form of cerebral palsy, but I laughed til I cried. Thanks!

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 21, 2015, 7:35 am

I grew up playing the Woodstock album on a loop. This thing is in my DNA.

Have you seen John Belushi‘s version?

Comment from Mr. Dave
Time: August 21, 2015, 11:59 am

Belusi and Cocker sang Dave Mason’s “Feeling Alright” together. It didn’t look like Cocker realized he was being parodied.

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: August 21, 2015, 2:16 pm

Damn You! I love Joe Cocker, and I love this song and I love this performance of this song. Now I can never listen to it again without giggling hysterically.

Therefore in a sort of Sicilian-revenge-thing, I hereby curse you with:

“Bored of the Rings”


Spoil my Joe Cocker, and I spoil yer Tolkien – it’s the Hippy way.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 21, 2015, 6:03 pm

Too late, Some Veg! I read Bored of the Rings not long after it came out, and hated myself for loving it.

Tim, Tim Benzedrine!
Hash! Boo! Valvoline!
Clean! Clean! Clean for Gene!
First, second, neutral, park,
Hie thee hence, you leafy narc!

Comment from mojo
Time: August 21, 2015, 7:15 pm

Ever see the SNL episode with Cocker as the musical guest, where Belushi went out dressed as Cocker, hair flying, and twitched right along with him?

Comment from mojo
Time: August 21, 2015, 7:16 pm

Ah, yes, Frito and Legolamb…

Comment from gebrauchshund
Time: August 22, 2015, 1:17 am

I doesn’t know how to embed a link, and I’m too lazy to figger it out, but check out “Gopher Tuna” on youtube.

Salsa cookies!

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