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Mindin’ my own damn business

Near miss with a mad old bird over the weekend. I’m walking in the field next door, and I hear this hissing. I reckon I was a feather away from a swan attack. Those emeffers can peck. And also fly.

I wonder if it has babies.

Took a walk in the field on the other side today. Way down at the end, there’s an abandoned orchard. I nicked a bucket of apples and a bucket of damsons. I had the owner’s permission, though, so that kind of took the fun out of it.

And that’s all I got. Been an irritating sort of day, really. Other than the apples.


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: August 28, 2019, 11:19 pm

Stoatie, do you walk with a stick? If not, I recommend it. You can seriously discourage an angry swan or lots of other critters too dumb to run away from you. A geezer cane is better than nothing, but a four-foot or so hiking stick is the best.

If you and Uncle Badger each had one, you could play/pretend you are Robin Hood and Friar Tuck dueling with quarter-staffs on the log bridge. (-:

Comment from Weaseltablet3
Time: August 28, 2019, 11:55 pm

I used to, when I did long distances. This was literally yards away.

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: August 29, 2019, 12:22 pm

“If you and Uncle Badger each had one, you could play/pretend you are Robin Hood and Friar Tuck dueling with quarter-staffs on the log bridge. (-:”


I just had to – pick who’s who, not very complimentary either way 🙂

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: August 29, 2019, 4:51 pm

Mmmm—Plums. Jam and jelly. And fresh apple cake.

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 29, 2019, 6:44 pm

I was out hiking in the woods once. I came near a big pile of rocks and something snarled at me. I cannot convey in words how threatening that snarl was.

I suspect a mama coyote protecting her babes, but it sounded like a grizzly. Not likely in Rhode Island, but I’m just giving you an artist’s impression here.

I was afraid to run for fear it would trigger a chasing response, so I mounted the fastest fucking thousand-yard saunter you’ve ever seen.

I didn’t have a stick. I didn’t have nothing. I felt like a giant baby. I vowed never to go into the woods without a stick again.

Comment from drew458
Time: August 29, 2019, 7:05 pm

A stick is a good idea. A boom stick is a better idea, since the worstest creature you’re likely to encounter walks on two legs. OTOH, popping open an umbrella pointed at geese usually scares them off. Works on racccoons too. Not sure if it works on swans or ‘yotes. An artisty person could probably paint a big scary animal face on the ‘brolly, which might make it work even better.

Comment from Mark Matis
Time: August 30, 2019, 1:07 am

Umbrellas work rather well for horses as well.

Just sayin’…

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