And I’m just over here eating fake Rice Crispies, like, “damn!”
To clarify, I’ve spent most of my day watching snippets of livestreams of your various charming riots.
But, yeah, this is a thing Aldi does – it makes knockoff products and puts them in boxes that are so close to the product they’re mimicking. I’d roll my eyes, but the fake products are really good. Sometimes better than the original.
I miss Aldi. We haven’t been since the mask mandate 🙁
Posted: August 27th, 2020 under plague.
Comments: 11
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: August 27, 2020, 8:14 pm
Don’t be surprised, it turns out whoever makes their whisky is quite good at it. There is speculation as to which distiller it is.
In 2018 – there was this –
(Note the correct spelling for this style of whisky, which is ‘Scotch’)
We like Aldi. Their products, knock off looking as they may be, are really pretty damn good. At least they don’t pretend to be the real product, like they do in some FLU creating country we all know and love.
And cheap!
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: August 27, 2020, 8:52 pm
We tried one of Aldi’s refrigerator case (i.e. not frozen) pepperoni pizzas a few days ago. I give it a B+, and I’m a tough grader. Lots of pepperoni but not too much, the cheese was fresh and proper cheese, the sauce was tangy and although you could tell it had a bit of sugar in it, it wasn’t sweet. finally, the crust when prepared exactly according to simple instructions, was just the right degree of crunchy on the surface and quite flavorful. I don’t include price when grading pizza, but if I did Aldi’s would get an A at only $5.45 for a large pie.
Comment from AliceH
Time: August 27, 2020, 10:09 pm
It may actually be the same product as the name brand. In my college years, I had a summer job working at a potato chip (crisps) factory. We’d make and package the name brand orders, then switch the bag and box for store brand, then switch again for generics. Same potatoe chips filled all of them.
Comment from FUCK U & VISIT
Time: August 28, 2020, 3:36 am
We tried one of Aldi’s refrigerator case (i.e. not frozen) pepperoni pizzas a few days ago. I give it a B+, and I’m a tough grader. Lots of pepperoni but not too much, the cheese was fresh and proper cheese, the sauce was tangy and although you could tell it had a bit of sugar in it, it wasn’t sweet. finally, the crust when prepared exactly according to simple instructions, was just the right degree of crunchy on the surface and quite flavorful. I don’t include price when grading pizza, but if I did Aldi’s would get an A at only $5.45 for a large pie.
Comment from FUCK U & VISIT
Time: August 28, 2020, 3:39 am
We tried one of Aldi’s refrigerator case (i.e. not frozen) pepperoni pizzas a few days ago. I give it a B+…….
HEY EHY HEY>>>>>>>>>>
Comment from cantharkmycry
Time: August 28, 2020, 12:37 pm
Man, it has been a long time since you had a spammer on a current thread! Mazel tov?
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: August 28, 2020, 12:44 pm
I liked Uncle Al’s old handle much better really.
As to his pizza recommendations, Mrs D and I will second those. We picked up the medium size (mrs somethingorotherItalian) pies at $2.75 each and they were as good as what I get for 8 times that price from one of the delivery services brands.
We also did one of the large ‘trash can’ pizzas, also good.
We can’t afford to go to the North Shore of Boston to get what we consider to be Class A pizza that will give one a good roof of the mouth molten cheese burn.
@ cantharkmycry – based on their comeon approach they sound like a net version of the ‘mostly peaceful’ protestors we have running around nowadays peacefully burning and looting.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 28, 2020, 6:25 pm
Eh, it’s on topic and the username amuses me. I’ll allow it.
I’ve had a couple of different bottles of their whisky, durned. Both were good, though one was a little peaty for my taste. At £17 a bottle, you can’t beat it.
I’m a Glenmorangie kindofa gal, but last I saw it was over £30 a bottle.
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: August 28, 2020, 11:30 pm
Glenmorangie for a win! My co-workers got to go to London back in the 80’s. I got a bottle of Glenmorangie.
It was way better than a t-shirt.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: August 29, 2020, 2:36 pm
Heh! Mildly interesting spamming technique, but still spamming.
So saith a Macallan man. Every two years I buy myself a bottle of the 18-year-old good stuff. It takes me about that long to finish it at roughly one drink every five or six weeks. I ration it that strictly for a good reason: it’s now over $300 for a 750 ml bottle.
Comment from BJM
Time: August 30, 2020, 5:43 pm
Whoa! That was weird between typing my comment and previewing the spammer struck..I thought Uncle Al had an aneurism er summin.
@Uncle Al…Macallan’s a very nice tipple. In the 90’s we and another couple hired a car and did a tasting crawl through Moray (It was a bucket list thing). The Speyside cooperage is a pretty cool tour too. Hopefully, one day we may be able to travel again cos there’s a whole lot of good likker I ain’t tried.
Nowadays I’ve returned to my Bourbon roots [Everybody who had the worst hangover ever in college drinking Jim Beam or Jack Daniels raise your hand].
Eagle Rare is my current sipper…smoooth as baby’s bottom. Buffalo Trace is mighty nice too for mixed drinks and with food…makes a superb marinade or BBQ sauce.
However, for those evenings in front of the fire after a long cold day: Maker’s Mark Cask Strength Bourbon Whiskey Bounty Hunter Private Selection No. 5.
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