Only the Brits…
…would put a generic baked-bean “shootout” in the newspaper Foodie section.
After tasting the Heinz beans first, it’s fair to say the other supermarkets have a lot to live up to.
My first reaction to the Tesco baked beans was that they had a bit more of a solid texture.
This wasn’t too off-putting, but the sauce was a bit too thin and its flavour was not at Heinz’s standard.
Sainsbury’s definitely won the battle of the own-brand beans.
The thick sauce had the perfect amount of tomato and sugar, providing a similar kick to Heinz.
My only criticism is that the texture of the beans was a bit stiff, but this should not take anything away.
Oh, yes. They’re this serious.
The article is part of this Veganuary bullshit. Which goes hand-in-hand with Dry January.
The most depressing month in the calendar, and they want to take food and drink out of the equation.
p.s. Just kidding. February is the most depressing month.
p.p.s. god, I hate Heinz baked beans.
Posted: January 11th, 2022 under food.
Comments: 10
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: January 11, 2022, 7:40 pm
Don’t get me wrong. As a Southerner, I love beans. Cornbread and beans. Red beans and rice. But beans stand in for meat. They should never be sweet.
Or runny.
Or orange.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: January 11, 2022, 8:57 pm
Heinz beans? I thought it was Heinz beanz.
I don’t eat beans much although I do like them a lot. Every brand of canned beans have something wrong with them and cooking them at home is an overnight process and a lot of damned work!
Does anyone have a shortcut? Pressure cooker, maybe?
Comment from Skandia Recluse
Time: January 11, 2022, 9:45 pm
As a general rule, I don’t like beans, but I have discovered that I need potassium in my diet. Quite by accident, I discovered that I like Busch’s Original baked beans, and I once found a can of ‘Fiesta’ beans that are a perfect complement to canned beef and make a wonderful beef and bean burrito. I have been unable to find them again at Walmart.
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: January 11, 2022, 9:58 pm
@Uncle Al – I can swear by (not at) the pressure cooker for making beans. Instantpot, which is just a glorified smart pressure cooker.
We’ve taken to making all kinds recently – black beans, pinto beans for refried beans, chickpeas(garbanzo beans), red beans.
With and without various sweeteners.
We do recommend soaking them as if you were making them in a beanpot or on the stove, but the Instantpot does em up right quick and you’d be hard pressed to say they weren’t cooked overnight in the oven in a beanpot the way our mamas used to make em.
Only now I don’t have to wait 12 hours for them.
and Heiny beans? Won’t buy em because that medal tossing jackweed commie asshat John Kerry surely profits from their sale.
I should be picking him for the Deadpool. Yet another Masswatuchetts nation wrecker.
Comment from Cantharkmycry
Time: January 11, 2022, 10:29 pm
Sweas: not sweet, agreed; but New England baked beans do need that touch of blackstrap… or, if the beans are yellow-eye, maple syrup.
I cook a LOT of dried beans, in a LOT of different ways. 🙂
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: January 11, 2022, 10:58 pm
I am a bean-eatin’ animal. I like a nice mildly vinegared, mildly sweetened Three-Bean-Salad; I like refrijoles- I even use some to thicken my chili con carne (shh don’t let the True Texans©️find that out); and I am actually in the early stages of making a cassoulet as I write. It’s really just Frenchified Baked Beans (some tomater’s but not a sweet barbecue sauce) with some roast pork, some sausage, and some duck fat, cooked real slow till it thickens up and then some bread crumbs toasted on top. Great cold weather casserole. I can tolerate American Baked Beans, but only if they are B&M in the glass jar with that little genuine piece of hog fat in the beans.
I have had British Baked Beanz for freakin’ breakfast and well – they rank right up there on the list of British ‘cuisine‘ in very close competition with Toad-In-A-Hole and Bubble-and-Squeak. They do outrank eel-pie though if I must say sumthin’ nice.
Say, changing the subject, how is the United Kingdom doing post-Brexit? Has a single damn thing changed? I deliberately avoid the news so I honestly have no idea.
Oh, and I listened to the CBC Internet Radio station today for about 15 seconds…. apparently we only have 8 years (till 2030) to save the evil ways of every single person on the planet, or there’s gonna be climate change! Who knew?
Comment from Mitch
Time: January 12, 2022, 12:40 am
Beans, beans the musical fruit!
The more you eat, the more you toot!
The more you toot, the better it feels
So eat your beans with all your meals!
Comment from Subotai Bahadur
Time: January 12, 2022, 2:56 am
Some Vegetable
I don’t know about y’all getting got by “climate change”, if only because the deadline keeps getting pushed back to avoid it arriving with no effect. However, I would look to stocking up on food. As I understand it [and I may well be wrong] the latest manifestation of COVID vaccine mania up there is going to be barring unvaccinated semi-truck drivers crossing into Canada, shortly. I rather think that supplies are going to be short . . . in short order.
In this country, in urban areas in normal times [and times are very not-normal as far as supply chains are concerned] food stores AND warehouses have a three day supply, and are constantly replenished when things work right. We are having a pandemic of empty store shelves here in this country and in the absence of cross border trade, y’all may be getting a bunch of it if you do not have it already.
Subotai Bahadur
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: January 12, 2022, 1:26 pm
With that in mind I set out yesterday to buy long grain white rice.
Being a rice snob I already have a reasonable amount of basmati, jasmine and Japanese sushi rice on hand. We had no plain old long grain because the two local barbarians refuse to acknowledge the need for the proper rice for the entree and insist on white long grain, and lately Brown long grain, despite those being the wrong rices for the dish I am preparing! Hence the low supply of said staple.
They’ll thank me for basmati when the crisis returns I’m sure.
In my shopping venture I was able to score 2 pounds of large elbow macaroni! Which if you haven’t noticed seems to be in extremely short supply these days along with several other types of pasta. And the required rice of course, which is not in short supply hereabouts at the moment, nor was it last time, because that’s far too hard to make for ” but I can’t microwave it!” America.
Somehow Joey Dimbulb Von Dimentia’s management team has managed to get the grocery stock of basic consumables to fall to the panic level we had 3 weeks into the first Covid hysteria period of 2020. I haven’t checked to see if the toilet paper stock is equally short. Back then I assumed America’s Boy Scouts had determined they needed 200 rolls of “mountain money” each to survive the crisis period so maybe they’re still stocked up.
When you’re running out of basic pasta something bad is probably on the horizon.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: January 12, 2022, 4:26 pm
Yeah, we hoard rice of all kinds. When the apocalypse hits…
Now, Some Veg, a proper toad-in-the-hole is a treat. Uncle B makes a cracking one. Speaking of Uncle B, I once had a good laugh when he told me he was having cassoulet for lunch – and it was obviously a can of beanie weenies! Pff!
As for Brexit, who knows? Our news media and most politicians were Remainers, so every little bump and hassle is blamed on Brexit. From where I sit, not much has changed.
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