I’ve come to the conclusion these don’t work
Stove fan. By the time it’s hot enough to turn, the room is already warm.
That may be the fault of our particular stove. We opted for the hood (my fault; artard decision) which means the base of the fan isn’t touching the surface, and the hood doesn’t get as hot as a stovetop anyway. Maybe it would do something on a conventional stove.
Uncle B lit the stove super early and we have retreated to the livingroom. It was brutal in here today. A bad combination of windy and cold out. IT SNEW, even!
Today was the last day to get in a meter reading before electric rates rise by an average of 54% overnight. The websites of several of the major electric companies fell over under the strain.
The CEO of one energy company said on the radio they usually get about 200 meter readings a week. In the first six hours of today, they had 40,000.
Mark my words: Brits are going to freeze to death over this.
Posted: March 31st, 2022 under weather.
Comments: 13
Comment from Anonymous
Time: March 31, 2022, 10:33 pm
I’m sorry, but I am having a hard time comprehending this. Average, middle class people freezing in their house? Keeping warm with a wood stove and hot water bottles? Electric rates 50% higher overnight?
Over here, people would be screaming. The media would be full of poor minority single mothers crying on TV. Maybe it will be that way here eventually, but why your politicians can even show their faces in public without facing angry mobs surprises me.
Good luck, folks. Sounds like you’re gonna need it.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: March 31, 2022, 11:26 pm
All of the politicians and bureaucrats who mandated universal shutdowns and long quarantines should themselves be shut down and quarantined…behind bars. And all of the politicians who have been setting up this contrived war between Russia and The West should join them.
I’m almost sorry that I live in nice and free Florida: there’s nobody here who deserves to be mobbed by a torch- and pitchfork-bearing mob of righteously irate and blood-thirsty citizens.
Comment from lauraw
Time: April 1, 2022, 12:26 am
This is unbelievable. I’m so sorry sweasel. Glad you have wood for the stove! Hope April is warm and eases things up a bit for you.
Comment from currently
Time: April 1, 2022, 12:29 am
Your decision to live there. Deal with it and quit complaining.
Comment from p2
Time: April 1, 2022, 12:42 am
I’ve a version of that fan on my woodie; it seems to do ok. It is, however, sitting on the stove itself, not the hood bit. The key is to get the largest temperature difference between the fan’s base and the fins. Bigger difference means more electricity developed by the thermocouple that powers the fan motor, that translates into it rotating sooner and faster.
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: April 1, 2022, 1:02 am
Good grief!
It seems to be guess one wrong night!
It looks like Pascal’s Triangle over here!
nerdlegame 72 6/6
https://nerdlegame.com #nerdle
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: April 1, 2022, 1:21 am
I was amazed at the stats for folks in England dying from hypothermia, in their houses, versus the deaths attributed to hypothermia here in the US.
And that was prior to the current silliness.
Get you some mil surplus ECW gear, you already paid for it anyway, take advantage of the research and surplus. After all the various armies don’t send people home when it gets cold out. We picked up some ECW over pants for Durned Son #3 who unloads cargo planes at DFW, rain, cold or hot. That and the ECW underwear, he loves em. They remind me of snow suits we had as kids, only way better.
And while it might be a little pricey it’s very much cheaper than if you got similar gear from some place like North Face, as one example.
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: April 1, 2022, 1:32 am
Cold weather gear examples.
I’m sure the NATO forces are dumping their old cold weather gear in favor of newer better more costly for tax payers.
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: April 1, 2022, 4:06 am
I got so excited my mind went blank for a minute or two…
Wordle 286 3/6
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: April 1, 2022, 1:55 pm
Oh, nice. I thought I was going to get it in two as my first guess was close. It took SIX – another one of those flexible change-one-letter words. Feh!
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: April 1, 2022, 4:24 pm
I had that problem with my nerdle (in comment above). Three numbers out of the six were the same! I had to fumble around for the numbers in the equation while the answer was correct!
These are First World Problems, I know, but I can’t worry about Africa, Ukraine and Tierra del Fuego every moment of every day!
Comment from BJM
Time: April 1, 2022, 5:04 pm
It’s almost like there’s a plan to eliminate seniors, the chronically ill, disabled and weak..or we’re being led a pack of of massively incompentent ne’er-do-wells.
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: April 1, 2022, 5:25 pm
This is the problem with people who choose “a career in government” and are taught to recognize problems that can be milked for all the public funding possible.
It’s amazing how generation after generation of “public servants” use the same techniques with no complaint from the public suckers about how nothing gets solved, remedied or improved.
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