There’s a hole in the sky
Near as I can figure, this was a thin layer of cloud and a little plane flew through it. Here it is large and in color.
I’ve become something of a professional sky watcher this week. We’re having our one heat spell of the summer and I’ve been rolling around in a deck chair every possible minute of the day.
And night. We don’t get a lot of nights warm enough to sit outside and stare up. Very little light here and many stars. On very clear nights, you can see the Milky Way!
And that’s where we’re headed now. It’s just dusk – if we’re lucky, we can see the bats. Don’t be forgetting the Dead Pool tomorrow!
Posted: September 7th, 2023 under badger house.
Comments: 3
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: September 7, 2023, 11:46 pm
Filled with vapor!
Oh! Oh!
Comment from Clifford Skridlow
Time: September 8, 2023, 3:58 am
I had an employee at our airport who was a hard core chemtrails theorist, convinced that the govt. was spraying stuff in the atmosphere that would allow our brains to be controlled from cell towers. We were located directly beneath an IFR high alt. intersection, and frequently had any number of contrails crossing directly above the field. I tried to explain the whole water vapor/exhaust gas temperature reason for contrails to no avail. She was easily terrified, and wouldn’t go outside when the contrails were present in large numbers. The same person claimed that she opened a bag of chips (crisps over your way) and a live frog hopped out. I pointed out that pretty much every packaging line purged the bags with an inert gas like argon so as to prevent oxidation of the chips, and she said that the frog that hopped out was the kind that could breathe argon gas rather that oxygen. Entertaining to be sure, but she didn’t last too long . . .
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: September 8, 2023, 4:02 pm
I follow a hardcore contrails person on Xwitter. Apparently, there’s a visible difference between a contrail and a vapor trail. She’s got receipts that they do regular cloud seeding for weather purposes.
I’ve never bothered to follow up. Anything “they” do to us “they” are doing to themselves as well, so I ain’t worried.
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