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Ow! My butt!

Oh, man…I’ve just sat through an interminable Zoom meeting. My backside ain’t built for this.

At the start of the meeting, I was invited to try the new AI Companion, which I was told would create a synopsis of the meeting for me.

“Great!” I think, “it can do the minutes!”

It can’t, no. It can tell you things like whether your name was mentioned, which I guess might be useful if you were reading news on your phone the whole time and wanted to know if you’d been assigned a job.

I asked it to catch me up and it gave me a one-paragraph synopsis of a 90-minute meeting – which, to be fair, was surprisingly accurate. But useless.

It sounded like something a gifted middle school student would turn in for a book report.


Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: November 7, 2023, 9:33 pm

One of the biggest problems with A.l. is the inability to determine the importance, priority, or context of anything. Nuclear attack at 3 pm will be listed below lunch at 11 am.

Comment from durnedyankee
Time: November 7, 2023, 10:41 pm

You can already see articles that were written by AI when you do a search on something like how to install a wood stove.

It repeats the same points over and over again in little paragraphs. Not that the points don’t apply, they do sometimes, but delivered 40 times.

I particularly like it when they assign a gender to inanimate objects. Reminds me of my father describing his Newfie mother instructing him to “throw me down the stairs my jacket!”

With ads interspersed.

Comment from Allen
Time: November 7, 2023, 11:51 pm

Well to be fair to the AI how useful was the meeting? In most of the meetings I’ve ever been in a one paragraph synopsis that’s useless is a perfect rendering of the meeting itself, just shorter.

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Beware: more than one link in a comment is apt to earn you a trip to the spam filter, where you will remain -- cold, frightened and alone -- until I remember to clean the trap. But, hey, without Akismet, we'd be up to our asses in...well, ass porn, mostly.

<< carry me back to ol' virginny