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Happy solstice!

I know what you’re thinking – the Winter Solstice is the 21st. Well, I got all sorts of results from a search, but most agreed it falls on the 22nd in our neck of the woods this year. Stonehenge was covered in the usual LARPing hippies.

Solstice is important to me because chickens. My life revolves around moving chickens – mostly roosters – into and out of chicken runs. On the shortest day (ahem, today) the last chicken voluntarily goes in at around 3:30 and on the longest day it’s more like 9:30. What happens in between is similarly compressed or expanded.

Tomorrow, we pick up the turkey (it was an eye watering £75 this year) and a few other bits and pieces, and then we’re done. See you on the other side!

December 22, 2023 — 7:27 pm
Comments: 11