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A man and his eagle

More from Sunday. We used to see this hawking group at most of the local shows, but they’ve been absent the last few years. Not sure why.

Used to be, for a pound you could have your picture taken with some big ol’ bird or other. I replaced my Facebook profile picture with one every year.

Dunno why he’s pointing to birdie’s head. Maybe because he’s a bald eagle that is too young to be bald yet. Anyway, he wasn’t putting on a show, he was wandering around carrying a bird.

As requested, here is the lace-making lady in color. I think that bright bobbly object at the bottom is her pincushion. She made the pattern by pinning threads to a board, but I don’t know what held them together.


Comment from OldFert
Time: September 3, 2024, 8:51 pm

I saw a video of lace being bobbined(?). Amazingly fast hands.

Oh — ran across the term “Chicken tractor” today:

Do your critters have such mobile luxury?

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: September 3, 2024, 8:56 pm

Oh, my! What gorgeous artwork she’s creating. Thanks 1e6 for the color photo, ma’am.

A fantasy: I’d love to have a talking eagle. I’d train him so say things such as, “Pursuit of Happiness! Pursuit of Happiness!” and “Sic Semper Tyrannis!” and “Clowns Taste Funny.”

Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: September 3, 2024, 10:27 pm

Thankyou for the color photo Weasy!

Now I think I’ll go look up more videos on lace making.
Fascinating, and thanks OldFert for the links (how’d you get TWO links to work!)

Finally, if it’s an Eagle, why do they call it Hawking?
I’ll just show myself out now, shall I?

Comment from ExpressoBold Pureblood
Time: September 4, 2024, 12:13 pm

Shared elsewhere… now at Mustelid House:


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