I’ll take “games that are a little too much like reality” for 500
So I bought the Stanley Parable in the Steam sale. You wake up in a cubicle, and then…it’s supposed to be better if you don’t know anything about the game before you start, so I won’t spoil anyone’s fun. Main problem I have, I’m not sure when I’m done.
True story: I dream about my old job almost every night. It’s partly because I worked the same job in the same building for so long, but I think it’s mostly because I left with a whimper. Most of my long-time colleagues had either left before me or were out of town when I left. I didn’t get, like, a big party or anything.
So, in my dreams, I’ve always popped back over to clear up a few last things. I don’t know anybody and I’m always getting lost in the corridors and hoping nobody figures out I don’t have a clue what I’m doing. Five years, and I’m still having that stupid dream five nights out of seven.
Good weekend, all. Sunday is Twelfth Night, if anybody’s counting. I suppose I shall try to bestir myself to politics come Monday.
Or not.
Posted: January 3rd, 2014 under games, personal.
Comments: 13
Comment from QuasiModo
Time: January 4, 2014, 12:18 am
Ha, that’s weird…I often dream of a couple of buildings I used to work in…the halls and rooms are always bigger and I keep wandering around trying to get out or trying to find some ‘thing’.
I’ve had a couple of going away parties so I don’t think it’s lack of ‘closure’ or anything…I used to dream about my elementary and high schools too.
Maybe it’s cuz we leave our ghosts in places we frequent?…
Comment from Armybrat
Time: January 4, 2014, 2:56 am
I’ve dreamed of past jobs. I’m usually extending my middle finger as I walk around.
Comment from Paula Douglas
Time: January 4, 2014, 3:00 am
For years I had nightmares about forgetting to attend some random college class all semester and then having to take a test for it. I gave more of a crap about forgetting class in the dreams than I ever did in school.
Comment from Bob Mulroy
Time: January 4, 2014, 5:14 am
I have this recurring dream where it’s the Finals of my senior year in high school. I’m late for Sister Ilse’s Stochastics exam. My locker won’t open, and I’m naked.
And for some reason, I suddenly have a tiny, tiny penis which had to be kept in a petri dish. The cutest girl in our class is smirking.
Anyhow, I had a really bad asthma attack this week, so the doc prescribed meds and funny movies. If you haven’t youtubed “Action Figure Therapy” you are missing something!
Comment from Timothy S. Carlson
Time: January 4, 2014, 7:29 am
I dream about work or current projects. I’ve done some of my best programming in my sleep, to the point where I wake up with an entire project coded in my head and all I have to do is transcibe it into the computer and compile. And then there was the time I was trying to route the wires on a board at work, and I would dream about pulling red and blue ropes at night. Yeah, not very restful.
The dream I keep having is about a huge tree that has been hollowed out and turned into a real ‘tree house’. Outside, large oak, inside dark creepy mansion. And all of my junior/senior high school friends are there. And all we’re doing is kicking back and playing monopoly.
I’m 54 now – when does it end?
Comment from QuasiModo
Time: January 4, 2014, 6:15 pm
There was like 6.5million people on Steam last night…I logged on to check out your new game…there were 1.5 million or so when I started. The Steam environment was acting pretty wonky.
Comment from Deborah
Time: January 4, 2014, 8:17 pm
When I was learning to fly I dreamed about stalling the airplane, because I had a hard time reconciling in my brain what was happening to the airplane when I rolled over and recovered. So night after night I dreamed stalls. It wasn’t scary and I didn’t dream about crashing, but I dreamed urgently about keeping my eyes open—watching the altimeter, horizon indicator, and the speed.
Comment from Steve In tulsa
Time: January 4, 2014, 11:28 pm
Last night I dreamt I had a little bear cub for a pet.
Comment from Britisher Poofteries in Floatant Reverie
Time: January 5, 2014, 3:02 am
00 The fabric of this stage of existence
01 is the lucid dream of the superbly pure
02 distilled horror essence of unfinished reciprocating
03 loops of C++ and on full moon nights C#.
05 I yearn to inhale the sweet life-restoring nectar of
06 nitrocellulose/nitroglycerine double base fumes.
07 But when I almost do, the comfort brown paper bag is
08 yanked out of my weak grasp by the green claws of the
09 mid-level FM Global non-decision maker.
11 In peripheral vision there are multiple
12 strafing formations of flying weasels.
14 Bag. The Bag.
16 Tound the Strumpet!
Comment from Steve Skubinna
Time: January 5, 2014, 4:13 am
I had a few cubicle jobs, but one was building torpedoes and so also involved wandering around the shop floor wearing a lab coat and carrying a clipboard so it was actually a cool job, because… well, torpedoes plus lab coat. Duh.
The others were in IT so they involved walking away from the desk and hiding out in the server room when I got fed up with stupid users. Then there was the part about designing and producing desktop builds whenever we upgraded the hardware, which was as often as I could manage because… well, upgrading hardware. Again, duh.
So nothing that resembled Office Space, which does not prevent me from putting that movie in the rotation every year or so and pretending to be a refugee from Cubicle World. I wasn’t the guy yelling at the printer about “PC LOAD LETTER,” I was the guy who had to explain to the angry user what it meant and how to clear the error code.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: January 5, 2014, 2:28 pm
I got to wear a lab coat! Because art department. Man, did that make wardrobe decisions easier.
Comment from Princess Bernie
Time: January 6, 2014, 7:27 pm
I recently dreamt I had a racoon on my head and he wouldn’t let go. His tiny claws were wrapped tightly in my hair. And I was in a situation where I didn’t want to be noticed. So I curled up in a ball with a racoon on my head. And the folks standing around commented on the interesting statue with a racoon on its head.
Have no idea where that came from.
Comment from Mitchell
Time: January 7, 2014, 5:13 pm
When I was a cook at International House o’ Pancakes most nights I would dream about cleaning the huge kitchen. Then I’d turn a corner and find more huge kitchen areas to clean. Drove me nuts it did.
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