Somebody else’s cock
This handsome dude is from the animal sanctuary open day we went to Sunday. The place is largely devoted to cats (the dogs are in a separate compound), but there are dozens of chikkens milling around in the open, standing on things, pecking stuff.
He’s a Pekin bantam, like our girls, but I’m not much interested in having one. We had a bantam rooster when I was a kid (or a “banty rooster”, as my mother called him and any other arrogant little man). They have a high-pitched crow that can strip wallpaper.
Somebody asked about my flock. They are currently molting, thanks very much, so they are unsightly and pissy and not laying. Mine never totally molt, but the girl who’s laid the best that Summer always loses the most feathers. That would be Violence this year.
As she is off-white (technically a lavender, but really just a dirty white), the inside of the chicken run looks like somebody’s had a massive pillow fight.
Don’t forget, the Perseid meteor showers peak tonight. This is the best one. We were out watching until the bats came out to play.
Posted: August 12th, 2015 under birds, personal.
Comments: 5
Comment from QuasiModo
Time: August 12, 2015, 10:46 pm
It was sunny here all last week but like clockwork, starts raining cats and dogs every day during the week of the Perseids.
Comment from Mike
Time: August 13, 2015, 4:45 pm
OK, “Violence” is just the awesomest name for a chicken, or any pet for that matter, EVAH! 🙂
Comment from Mr. Dave
Time: August 13, 2015, 6:35 pm
We called them banty roosters too. The big speckled chickens were domineckers. I don’t know what they are really called but that’s where we got our brown cackleberries.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 13, 2015, 7:44 pm
Domineckers! Yes! Corruption of “Dominique”.
Mike, we named her Violet – because she’s supposedly a lavender – but we quickly modified that when it became clear she had anger management issues. I mean, seriously…she will flap clear across the garden just to give my foot a good peck. Angry little bird.
Comment from Roland
Time: August 15, 2015, 12:59 am
thought you might like this.
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