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And then the fat lady sang


Welp, that’s it. We went to the circus tonight. It always turns up for the long weekend and we think of it as the end of Summer.

It’s not. There are plenty of Summery things going on right through September, which is sometimes the nicest month of the warm season. But the circus is the beginning of the end.

This one has been going on for five generations (the two guys in the picture are the World’s Two Unfunniest Clowns, and nephews of the current ringmaster). Used to be more family members in the acts, but they now hire them from circus-y places like Eastern Europe and China

There is a sense of genuine suspense during many performances, because it’s a small troupe and a bit down-at-heel and you get the impression something could go wrong. But it never has and everyone is very cordial. The acts also take tickets and dole out food; it’s that kind of little circus.

So here we go, the slide into Fall…


Comment from feynmangroupie
Time: August 26, 2016, 12:37 am

Clowns can be funny? Huh.

Comment from Uncle Al
Time: August 26, 2016, 12:52 am

I’ll accept your assertion that those are the World’s Two Unfunniest Clowns because you’re offering them as a matched set. I’ve always held that the World’s Most Unfunny Clown – singular – was Emmett Kelly as Weary Willy.

But let’s look at something happier and more fun. I see that some zany Czech people showed how unhappy they are with Angela Merkel by holding up photoshopped images of her with a Hitler mustache! Gotta love those Czechs!

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: August 26, 2016, 3:58 am

How has the garden done this summer? I bought some small potted herbs to plant, but while I was gone over a long weekend, the sun/heat mummified them.

Comment from Niña
Time: August 26, 2016, 6:35 am

I send greetings from Vancouver, BC, where I am meeting my two HK grandchildren for the first time. I do not think we will see a circus, but I don’t care, because I’ve got adorable little Chinese grandbabies!

Tops the circus, no matter how quaint!

Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: August 26, 2016, 1:09 pm

I love these little circuses and have since I was a kid. Fortunately a wise aunt gave me a copy of Toby Tyler,Or, Ten weeks with a Circus when I was about 10 or I might have had a very different life!

Comment from S. Weasel
Time: August 26, 2016, 7:33 pm

We’ve had a very dry July/August, Deborah. Uncle B has had to water like mad. Things have done reasonably well, though. Good ‘maters, good cukes, many red peppers and hot. Onions didn’t do great. Just getting into the lettuces and cabbages. Any more detail, though, and I’m out of my depth. I’m in charge of livestock, me.

Niña: d’awwww.

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