Return to Skyrim
So Bethesda Softworks just released a version of Skyrim for PS4, five years after the original PC version. As part of the new port, they updated the background textures and decided to give PC players the newly refurbed version for free. Which is cool.
The new version is hilariously buggy. Well, the crashing all the time wasn’t so hilarious, but that was simple (if strange) fix: disable the Touch Keyboard process using Task Manager. (How people figure out these obscure bugs so fast, I do not know).
The funny thing is, I can tell the difference between the old textures and the new textures, I’m just not sure I prefer either one. Scroll down this article to see what I mean. They should call it Skyrim: Vaseline Edition.
Anyway. Don’t care. Happy to be playing this old favorite again. Anyone on Steam who hasn’t friended me yet, feel free. AuntieWeasel. Gives me the warm fuzzies to see you guys playing games instead of doing anything productive with your lives.
Posted: November 1st, 2016 under games, personal.
Comments: 8
Comment from QuasiModo
Time: November 1, 2016, 10:23 pm
Gives me the warm fuzzies to see you guys playing games instead of doing anything productive with your lives.
Lol, makes you feel less guilty, eh? I wish I could spend more time playing games…work *is* starting to slow down now though. I ‘friended’ you a long time ago…it always tells me when you’re in there playing whatever :+)
Comment from bds
Time: November 2, 2016, 3:01 am
I fired it up today, but then had to do a hard restart of my computer to get it working again. I think I’ll wait for a patch or two before I attempt it again.
Comment from Fritzworth
Time: November 2, 2016, 11:46 am
I smile whenever your name shows up on my Steam feed. And, yes, I still use your Zombie Reagan as my Steam avatar. 🙂 Now More Than Ever.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: November 2, 2016, 1:18 pm
I smile when I see you online, too.
Also ermine — he’s got a weasel in a horned helmet. That one cracks me up. I just checked. Dude has 1,475 hours in Skyrim!
Comment from drew458
Time: November 2, 2016, 10:13 pm
I don’t know Steam from SkyRim from PS4 from badger poop, but judging from that picture, I’d say your horse is dead. Very dead.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: November 2, 2016, 10:16 pm
It’s just a scratch.
Comment from Surly Ermine
Time: November 3, 2016, 9:20 am
Sorry, I’m behind on reading your posts. I’m too busy playing Fallout 4.
Comment from Surly Ermine
Time: November 3, 2016, 11:22 am
I must admit, many of those hours are ill-gotten. Steam seems to count paused game time. I start up a Bethesda title after work and play sporadically through the evening. I sometimes find it running and paused the next morning.
It’s still pathetic, I’m just not the uber-gamer I appear.
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