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About twenty minutes from idea to post — I’m seriously behind today — but I couldn’t let this one go without giving it a, errrr…stab. Where would we be without the obvious ones?
Posted: May 31st, 2017 under personal, politics.
Comments: 12
Comment from QuasiModo
Time: May 31, 2017, 10:59 pm
Nice one! 🙂
Comment from Steve Skubinna
Time: May 31, 2017, 11:05 pm
Huh. Photoshop. Big deal.
At this point I’m ready to see these assholes actually bleeding. In case you missed it, the proggies are now savaging young Barron Trump for being upset at Griffin’s original image. Because the little prick shouldn’t have had Donald Trump for a father if he can’t take their shit.
This is going to end in blood, with people dead. Oh wait, Portland… we’re there now.
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: June 1, 2017, 12:19 am
I never thought Kathy Griffith funny. I hope this ends her career, but it is probably just going to make her more popular in Vegas et al. I AM a little surprised and pleased that CNN actually fired her, rather than simply ‘suspending’ her, or ignoring things as happened with Colbert.
I do think that some pushback is happening though. Certainly Kellogg’s shares are down 10.5% for the past year, from which I take some small pleasure.
Still, they will stop at nothing –
I hope the people finally realize how absurd the Left has become
Comment from ExpressoBold
Time: June 1, 2017, 12:51 am
Mr. Trump looks somewhat overdressed, what with the “pussy bow” and all… and why is he taking out his own garbage, dressed like that?
Comment from Drew458
Time: June 1, 2017, 2:52 am
Yeah, big deal, CNN “fired” her … a whole ONE night’s work per year. YAWN.
Shun her. Boycott and heavily protest every venue that has her scheduled. Flood social media with anti-KG posts. Run her out of the country. She likes beheading so much, send her to Syria to live with ISIS. I’m sure they’ll just love her … to pieces.
I’ve had my fill of the lunatic Left and I’ve run out of patience. They are insane, they are violent, they will stop at nothing, and there is nothing that they won’t stoop to. Time to fight, and to fight their way, only 10 times harder. Destroy their lives, one at a time or en masse. Figuratively or explicitly.
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: June 1, 2017, 10:52 am
Hey, what the durn hell, you made her look better after she’d had her head cut off than she really looks.
They’ll publicly denounce her, while celebrating her in their little journolist universes. She just did the graphic of what so many of the weak kneed little dears fantasize about doing.
Oh, and she ain’t sorry, other than possibly the effect this might have on her pocketbook.
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: June 1, 2017, 2:25 pm
Hillary speaking at Recode must be watched. She’s nuts.
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: June 1, 2017, 7:26 pm
Drew458: It actually is a big deal. The pay is probably not bad. More importantly, she gets her mug on national television and it brings in more job offers.
I had a neighbor who appeared 4x on Seinfeld as a doctor (see Junior Mint). Each time an episode re-ran, he wd get lots of calls from casting directors.
This is hurting her financially. She does a lot of concerts but she is also dependent on corporate gigs which I think will cancel her big time.
Comment from S. Weasel
Time: June 1, 2017, 9:12 pm
I went to a corporate event that invited Al Franken as the guest speaker. The personnel department was so far up their own asses, they didn’t see a problem with that.
Yes, he was insufferable.
Comment from durnedyankee
Time: June 2, 2017, 1:50 am
And now heavens! He’s beheaded the world by backing out of a pro forma joke treaty that was self ratified by President Jugears.
OMG, world ending! Dogs and cats living together! Mass Hysteria!
Comment from Ric Fan
Time: June 2, 2017, 2:24 am
S. Weasel: They love those corporate gigs. It is a guaranteed income where as concerts are not. I remember reading that Seinfeld and Leno sometimes made a million bucks on a corporate gig. And why not? They pay these no talent reality stars hundreds of thousands of bucks just to appear at events.
Comment from Wolfus Aurelius
Time: June 2, 2017, 2:13 pm
Hard to remember that KG’s appearances (2) on Seinfeld were more than 20 years ago . . . and if she’s 56 now, she wasn’t young, by Hollywood standards for women, even then.
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