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Happy Memorial Day!

Hope you’ve had a splendid holiday weekend. Let me tell you about our Sunday.

We went to a fundraiser for a cat sanctuary. Eventually.

We got grievously lost. We’d been to this place before, but Uncle B was unsure of the last few miles and asked me to put the postcode into the satnav. Somehow, it was the wrong postcode entirely.

Forty minute trip took us two and a half hours, mostly up country lanes. Country lanes. Hereabouts, they often aren’t wide enough for two cars to pass (sometimes barely wide enough for one car to squeeze through), with thorn hedges on either side, blind bends and crazy farmers (and livestock) roaring up the other way.

The picture is from a Daily Mail article about a Polish truck driver who got stuck in a lane in Devon, but you get the general idea. This is not a fun driving experience. There is often a lot of backing up involved.

So we were late. There were no more plants at the plant stall or cakes at the cake stall and the cats were all hot, tired and sick of visitors. I got hissed at a lot.

To cheer ourselves up, we stopped at Waitrose on the way home to buy some treats. As Uncle B put our loot in the back of the car, the keys fell out of his pocket just as the hatched closed and the whole car automatically locked itself up tight.

Hour and a half for a service call. Luckily, our man managed to get it open without breaking anything.

Half an hour later, we rolled up on a little town just as a policeman put out the ROAD CLOSED sign. They do that when there’s the slightest accident: close the roads both ways. So it was back onto country lanes, but this time jammed solid with all the detoured traffic in both directions.


We got home eventually, and luckily our Saturday and Monday were pretty awesome. We’re about to go sit in the garden, burn things and drink wine.

How was yours?


Comment from Uncle Al
Time: May 28, 2018, 10:31 pm

How was our Sunday? Pretty good. Peaceful, quiet, and stationary. But WE don’t have a great and tragic story to tell for years to come like you two do!

Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: May 28, 2018, 11:28 pm

Well, Trump is still President I think.

I took down the ‘tent’ (large enough for a pickup truck shelter) that I used to stash all the crap we’ve had forever in the garage. this means the garage is, more or less, clean.
Got excessively hot taking it down, cooked some chicken on the grill, had a mini birthday celebration for the last of the chilluns turning 30.
I managed to not grumble that by the time I was thirty I’d conquered Europe. They don’t want to hear that stuff you know since not one of them is married.

Comment from Deborah HH
Time: May 29, 2018, 2:31 am

Husband and I binged on baseball, baseball movies, and the tv show Bosch.

Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: May 29, 2018, 12:59 pm

Anyone need a really big tentish thing? Be great for, say, Boy….oh, right scratch that(sad head shake), “Scouts”.

I guess co-ed camping isn’t just for college kids anymore.

Comment from Rich Rostrom
Time: May 29, 2018, 3:47 pm

DurnedYankee: BSA is admitting girls, but to separate groups “packs”? “lodges”?), and all camping activities are single-sex. This was a response to the Girl Scouts organization being taken over by SJWs; there were parents looking for an alternative.

Comment from p2
Time: May 29, 2018, 6:27 pm

durned….like a garage in a box kinda big tenty thing? just so happens i may have a need for one o’ them. have a few buildings on the north 40 i’m gonna take apart to salvage the lumber. need somewhere to store it all until i can build the retirement estate.. let me know an i’ll shoot you contact info…

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