Good weekend, errybody!
Thanks for sticking with me through Santafest 2018!
Posted: December 28th, 2018 under holidays.
Comments: 13
Comment from peacelovewoodstock
Time: December 28, 2018, 12:11 pm
Santa’s farts smell like peppermint and gingerbread.
Don’t ask me how I know.
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: December 28, 2018, 1:24 pm
Somehow “farty old elf” really takes the mystique and magic out of the Christmas myths, Irish legends and the Lord of the Rings.
More in the vein of “Bored of the Rings” actually.
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: December 28, 2018, 4:48 pm
Oh peacelovewoodstock. I wonder if anyone ever leaves hot appetizers and a bottle of whisky for our favorite Elf. The Lesser Elf in my famiy is fond of Campbeltown’s Springbank Scotch.
Comment from BJM
Time: December 28, 2018, 6:16 pm
I can’t wait to see what Stoaty does with the Old Year Reaper/New Year Babe!
I’m reading my way through the Gilded Age. It’s a fascinating mix of robber baron ethics, business acumen, wily wives and excess. I think it seems so remarkable because, unlike European aristocrats who amassed their wealth and built great piles over a thousand years,
we Americans did it in 30-40 years.
No wonder they hate us, eh?
Anyhoo…here’s Alva Vanderbilt’s summer cottage. I wish Wharton had lived to complete “The Buccaneers” as she was witness to the social climbing and scheming.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: December 28, 2018, 7:41 pm
@Deborah HH:
I wonder if anyone ever leaves hot appetizers and a bottle of whisky for our favorite Elf.
Ooh! What a great idea! Next year if I leave a bottle of The Macallan 18-year-old whiskey maybe he’ll leave me a 12-cylinder 1975 E-Type Jaguar 2+2 in silver. That’s been on my wish list for a very long time!
Edit: As long as I’m being wishful, the Jaguar should have been purchased new, garaged, then driven 25 miles once each month, then detailed and waxed each time, for the past 43 years.
Comment from Mark Matis
Time: December 28, 2018, 9:28 pm
You should understand, Durnedyankee, that Santa carries a Bic lighter on his journey. And if the load of goodies and coal lumps is too much for his reindeer hitch, he merely lights up his “Jato” to expedite the trip!
Now surely THAT adds to the “mystique and magic”, don’t it???
Comment from Durnedyankee
Time: December 28, 2018, 11:32 pm
Right up there with my college roomies drunken buddies setting their skivvies alight doing blue darts on the around_the_corner couch we had in the apartment.
Mystical! Magical!
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: December 29, 2018, 10:30 pm
Until recently the Japanese didn’t have Santa Claus.
Farts, on the other hand,
Comment from Drew458
Time: December 31, 2018, 3:32 am
Santa looks a bit belligerent there. Ready for a martial arts battle. “Everybody was kung fu Santa …” or something.
Completely off topic “Barbie Careers” farmer doll comes with Barbie in a red flannel shirt, brown wellies, and her very own chicken. I have to say, this is the very first time I’ve seen a chicken as a fashion accessory.
Comment from Some Vegetable
Time: December 31, 2018, 12:55 pm
Oh Dear God!
Whilst looking at Career Barbie and her chicken, I happened to notice that they also have Ken Career dolls.
“Barbie and Ken career dolls inspire kids to dream big and aim high! Ken doll can go for his goals wearing a career-themed outfit along with accessories to play out professional moments.”
Apparently Ken is not aiming that high. A career as a Barrista is ahead for him….but with that topknot hairdo, well, I’m not surprised. His career themed outfit is ….an apron. His accessory is a Starbucks cup.
And am I reading too much into things by noticing that Barbie gets $13.99 in her chicken-chaser gig, while Ken only pulls down $8.88?
However, it’s an interactive toy, so that’s good. Ken comes with no tattoos so kids can draw them on, and they can practice writing their names on the cup.
Finally back on topic, I just realized that Weasel’s picture is just an illustration for the “The Night before Christmas (unexpurgated edition)”
“Laying a finger beside of his nose, Santa let out such a fart, that up the chimney he rose! In fact Santa let out such a blaster, that everyone rose to see what was the matter!“
Comment from drew458
Time: December 31, 2018, 2:44 pm
What gets me is that some Career Barbies cost a lot more than others. The Baby Doctor version goes for half again as much as the farmer Barbie. Setting little girls up for pay inequity? I did notice that Barbie now comes in several body types, 11 different shades, eye colors, and hair colors. Political Correctness has either ruined this product, or opened huge new vistas for sales. Plus they changed her face since I was a kid, back in the late Paleolithic era. Ken will never have a superior career version than Barbie. He’s never been more than an accessory. Odd that that inculcated attitude has never changed no matter how much Barbie has been modernized.
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: December 31, 2018, 6:49 pm
Ken wants to become an English Lawyer?
Comment from fnaf world
Time: January 2, 2019, 10:15 am
Very beautiful Santa image. I really like this picture.
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