I’ll take “things unexpectedly impacted by Covid-19”
No, I am not an unlicensed stoat. This is a license for trapping stoats AND MURDERING THEM.
I’ll give you “vermin”!
I think we’ll venture out tomorrow. We’re about to run out of milk. Not sure if they’ll let us both in the store at the same time, though. It’s gotten that weird.
At least we can go to a small local grocer and avoid the supermarkets.
Posted: March 31st, 2020 under plague.
Comments: 6
Comment from QuasiModo
Time: March 31, 2020, 10:11 pm
I’ve also just been going to the local grocery store and avoiding the Costco and Walmart.
Went to the farmer’s Co-Op to get seeds for the birds this morning. Nice and quiet in there. They had the cash booth area surrounded by clear plastic, with traffic cones and a rope across in front to keep distance and the debit reader outside on a stack of boxes…debit or credit card only, no cash…I thought it was a pretty safe setup. Go outside and the dude at the loading dock puts the stuff in the trunk. Grocery shopping used to work sort of like that.
Comment from Uncle Al
Time: April 1, 2020, 12:44 am
I went to my local Publix supermarket early this morning. They have special “senior” hours from 7 to 8 a.m. Tue and Wed. after overnight restocking and cleaning. I noticed one of the ladies who has worked there for years stocking items and I stopped and said, “Thank you for being here.”
Her face screwed up a little but she regained control quickly and said, “You don’t know what that means to me. You are the first person today who hasn’t treated me like a leper. Thank YOU.”
I think my face may have screwed up a bit, too. I believe I’ll go out of my way to thank those still working to provide “essential services” (especially to us geezers) when I’m out in future.
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: April 1, 2020, 11:08 am
People aren’t thanking them…yet?
Boss lady and I have been, admittedly at random, since this shirt storm started.
You’re right though. It ain’t much but dang it they deserve something.
I know I think a lot of this is hype, but that doesn’t mean they do, so some of them are probably scared.
And Stoaty, please don’t get kilt by no stout licensed curfew breakin maniacs, then all of us figments would cease to exist!
Comment from dissent
Time: April 1, 2020, 12:25 pm
Don’t forget the hand sanitizer!
Assuming you can find it anywhere. I haven’t seen a bottle of Lysol spray in any stores around here for weeks.
Comment from Deborah HH
Time: April 1, 2020, 3:41 pm
Walmart IS my local grocery store! JavaMan prefers shopping at Walmart instead of the local H.E.B (THE regional grocery store chain with about 350 stores), but we use both. There is also a small Thriftway on the north end of town, where we’ll stop if we happen to be out that way (out that way—this little town is 2.5 miles wide and less than 4 miles long!)
JavaMan was out yesterday, to pick up the our internet-order of groceries from H.E.B. Still no Duke’s Mayonnaise, but we did get a substitution of the store brand mayo—which I’d never even noticed on the shelf. The only things shorted were fresh corn tortillas—wah!—no tacos for us, and Activia yogurt. That the store was out of tortillas is mind-boggling. Around here, tortillas get as much shelf space in the stores as sliced bread. Someone is hoarding tortillas!
He also filled up both cars: $1.83 a gallon, if that sort of info interests you.
Stoaty—it makes me crazy to run out of milk, so I finally started freezing a pint or so, right off the top of a fresh gallon. We can’t drink a whole gallon before it goes bad, so reserving that pint has worked out well in my kitchen.
Comment from DurnedYankee
Time: April 1, 2020, 5:36 pm
Deborah HH – we bought a bunch of tortillas a couple weeks ago (a bunch for us is 2 bags, instead of 1). The Swedes were telling their people to stock up on them a couple years back when the Russians were saber rattling. We concluded from that they must be decent ‘survival’ supplies so we grabbed some before the silly Anglos figured out flour tortillas are just flat bread.
oh and – pay the extra buck or so for the ‘organic’ milk. We had the same problem with chucking the remains of a gallon of regular milk and hit on buying half gallons of the organic. Now we almost never throw milk out, we figure it works out the same cost wise, or nearly so. And it actually tastes much better.
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